As you can see the pic from beside here...
This is something Calaine and I discover when we went to her house..
Due to the Jireh Tuition Centre's air-conditioner have been stolen by thieves and is damn hot in the class room.
If you are in such condition, you sure can't withstand the hotness...
So,we decided to stay at Remee's house til 8pm.
So,we decided to stay at Remee's house til 8pm.
Her room is absolutely full...
A lot of things in her room.
Full of books, boxes and of course cupboard.haha
And here is the pictures that some shirt come out from her cupboard...swt..--''
Actually some more got her panties...
But..she quickly put it back into the cupboard when Calaine and I want to take photos for that...
After that, Calaine found her bif spectacles...
WOwww~~ damn big de...haha
The model for the spec for 2009 - Calaine Ng Kai Lynn!!
Congratz to her bah~~
Sorry Remee...never take your pictures there..
28 June 2009
Yesterday night My family and I plus my relatives went for an Indian wedding dinner.
This is the fist time I've experienced it...
It's really special and simple compared to our Chinese wedding dinner and also culture.
It's a buffet dinner like our house warming...
But the food of course is Indian food la..erm...not bad also la..
Especially some thing like tomatoes but isn't tomatoes..I also wonder what is that la..
After you eat finish you can just direct go back home..
27 June 2009
What a bad day and moody mood i have~
I hate this day...seriously..
I've been so moody till I don't want to sms anyone.
Including him..sorry...
Maybe you didn't reply my messages so I got a bit angry or what.
I also don't know what feeling I have on that particular time.
Maybe my mum has scolded me for my bad result..
Then this results to my moody mood.Sorry.
I don't want to be like that.
I've long time never been like that already.But today is different.
Seriously hate it!
It cause my hand so pain..I'm writing too much..
But after I get back my book, stupid history teacher calls me to simplyfy my essay...
So shit!! i'm too hardwroking so she complaint the length of my essay...
What to do?? I'm over hardworking what! Please do not be jelous la, Soo Yee..