Early in the morning, bii fetch me to some where near my grandma house to take our breakfast.
Because I was craving for curry mee over there. haha XD
After the breakfast, we headed to do donation.
I use the wrong way and we were jam at there for like 15 minutes.
So sad..I get scolded from him for teaching the wrong way.
I'm not purposely!!! :( How sad. I kept quiet the whole way back to home.
No movie night that night because he had to look after the shop tonight.
So, I accompany him to the shop after the dinner at Pacific.
Bought fried chicken and rojak to shop. haha...
I'm fat! OMG! Keep eating when he was by my side. Haiz...
I wanna go Langkawi with Bii fast fast!! Gahh~
I want HOLIDAYS!!!!
Time passes so fast. Can it gets slower when we meet?