第一個階段是生日在5月 20到5月31日 之間
第二個階段是生日在6月 1日到6月10日 之間
第三個階段是生日在6月 11到6月21日 之間
第四位 ★水瓶座01/20~02/18獨立、冷靜的頭腦賦予他們高瞻遠矚的遠見,注重精神交流讓他們在人際協調中如魚得水。他們的富不僅僅是數字的增長,更在精神上值得後人學習借鑒。
第八位 ★雙子座05/21~06/21代表人物:嚴凱泰。無拘無束的多變性格,他們不會把所有雞蛋放在同一個籃子里,雖然有80%的時間與成功沒有必然聯繫,但只要抓住一次機會,他們就能用20%的時間獲得成功。
Thursday, February 4, 2010
4 February 2010, Thursday

Today almost can't wake up.
I'm too tired because I used to sleep very late everyday.
When I'm nicely sleeping, my mum wake me up and call me to hang something a the bottom of the door.
Lol...isn't too early to hang the red cloth?
I said I want to sleep, don't call me.Then she walked out from my room.
When I woke up in the morning, I taught my mum will bought me breakfast.
Who knows she was not at home. Haiz..
Have to cook instant noodles to eat. Awww~ pityful me.
After eat I rush to work.
Nothing much about today's work.
Reach there early but no people open the door.
Waited for few minutes with Ana and Samm then Sean reached.
After we done the thingy, all of us sat down and talk about boss' wife.
She's rude and do things without system and law. WTF!!
Seriuosly, I hate this kind of people.
Others work for her but she never pay the right amount.
Is it she's non-educated? Rich so what?
She thinks she's rich enough so she can has her own Labour Law??
I've never met such boss before. Hate her!!
And don't call me back to work during cny while I'm off.
I won't pick up the call.
If she wants to terminate me, then it's fine.
I also don't feel like working with such lousy boss too.
She can scold others eventhough the person didn't do anything wrong.
I hate this "Alice the wonderland"!!
Shit her! Booooooo~~ *thumbs down*
I feels pity to Sean and Ana. They work hard for boss but get this kind of treat.
I don't want we keep arguing.
I want you chat happily with me everyday.
Although I'm not by your side everyday,
but do you feel how much I love you?
I'm deeply falling in love with you.
Just you don't feel it and realise it.
I admit sometimes I might easy to get mad.
Sorry about that.
I less control you doesn't mean I don't care about you.
You're my everything.
My life, my lover and my happines.
I'm grateful to have you as my boyfriend and beloved.
I need you. I miss you.
I love you much.
Muackss~ =)
We're born to love
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