today is Ms.Prawn's birthday...
haha...i gt send her a msg la of coz...
she'll attend a dinner tonight at Penang...
so won't come for the add maths tui...haiz..
so disappointed...i wan perli sum1 oso cnt d...
who will be the prey??hahahaha.... *evil laugh*
i tell her i wan to treat her eat something..
but she says that i tell her that i already bankrap...
so, i suggest to treat her eat an ice cube...wahaha
yeah~im here simply crap something to post...
erm...eddie ah..the post lea hor...
i will post 2mrw if i gt time la..haha..paiseh~><
dis morning jz like normal...boring
thn jz watch movie til 4.10pm
after that i jz go tui...i'hv changed my phy tui to Friday teached by OBT
hehe^^....but i saw a person thr too-Charles...
sry ya...i cnt always acc u...due to my time & tranpsort prob...
sincerely sorry... haiz...