Today is you know..I won't be blogging today.
Especially now is just going to be 2pm.
What am I doing here?? I don't know too.
Maybe I'm too boring..
I have no more handphone to snap new photos so..
I found some of my pictures took last time.
Let see the differences between form 1 and form 5 (recently).
I almost can't recognise that people is me..
The last time of mine. I knew I've changed.
A different me of all.
>>>>This is the recently photo. [ Form 5 ]
Looks a lot of difference huh??

<<< This photo was taken when I'm in Form 1. Is it I look naive?? Mature?? or... Give some comments in my chat box bah~^^
Eevryone seems already planning for their further studies.
I'm stil struggling on wtf to study, man!!
What am I actually want?? I don't know now.
I don't want to regret after all I have chosen.
Perhaps study Form 6 like Remee, Calaine and Samm??
The answer for me is NO!
I have no confidence to do well in Form 6.
Although study college or university might be quite expensive but...
I don't wanna to take the risk.Arghhh~
I will decide after my result.
She wants me to drink it..She exclaims that's good for anti-acne.
Errmmmmm...wondering does it works??
This photos really quite funny.
I act cool but Calaine...acts like stupid.haha
Really damn boring!
I wanna hang out. But no $$ no talk.
This is what I know.
Just now Samm sms me asking me whether going to eat at Soo Yee's dad shop or not.
Hmmm..stil no idea yet! I have to attend Khang Herng's b'day party on that Monday night.
Maybe I should find one day hang out with those buddies go to sing K at Ampsquare.
Tortoise can't accompany me. His dad is in the'm alone?? No la.. Don't worry me,kay? Muackss~
Genting!!! I wanna go to play! But buddies, when??
Where is our plan?? Lol...miss you all so damn much!
Clarin yesterday already left to Korea. Forget to wish her.haha
Nevermind...just hope that she won't forget bring us some present.Teehee~^^