Yuhoo...Yesterday I went out with my dear.
Dear early morning wake up and buy me breakfast.
We ate together happily. Then we went to his dad's shop at BM.
Spend some time there because they have not enough workers.
After buy the ingredients to make sandwiches, we went back to my home.
He helped me to boil the eggs, cut the onion into pieces.
I felt so sweet. =) He might too.
He felt so touched when I make sandwiches for him. teehee~
Dear, I'll cook because of you. Only you. If not...I won't.
I felt satisfied when I saw the smiling face on you when you ate the sandwiches.
I love you. Muackss~
I know you're tired because we went here and there yesterday.
I also know that you didn't mind about that.
Thanks for all, hubbie. ^^
My mum felt weird when she saw I'm at home and cooked vege.
Haha... I'm obedient yesterday!
My mum praised me. This was the first time I cooked vege on my own.
Consider as SUCCESS! Yeah~
Dear wanted to taste the food but no luck. So sad~
I'll cook for him next Monday. Hehe =D Stay tuned!
As usual, yesterday rest day and today I have to work.
Feel sleepy when wake up because I chat with dear until 2a.m. then only sleep.
Haiz.. But also feel happy.
I feel a bit stress this few days..
I scare I can't study what I want.
And... stop pushing me to Form 6!!!! I don't want!
I know that I don't have the ability. Haiz..
I don't hope that I'll regret in the future.
I swear I will study smart. I hate Form 6!!
Today at shop I just stick to my pc and watch the Autumn's Concerto.
haha..Samm feels that I've forgotten her. LOL==""
Nothing special happens today.
Bad news! 2 charger and 1 battery lost! Damn it!
We have to replace that. Haiz..
Luckily our shop has 9 peoples all together then we can divide.
Not paying much because Bid replace it with non-original one. Haha
Shhhh... secret!!!
7pm, home-sweet-home. hehe
My brother fetches me back. He cooks fried rice again.
Tomorrow is the day that SPM result release.
I hope I won't make my parents disappointed.
God, please help me!!! Aaaaa~
I just realise I have lots of pending post.
Sorry ya! I'll update as soon as possible!
p/s : I will go to register the course this Saturday.