Sunny Day
Today's class start at 10am so I don't wake up early as the van comes at 9.30am.
My dear discover me reply some guy's comment and he mads at me.
Haiz...I'm so sad. Sorry dear!! I love you.
We're having Chrmistry practical today.
Phew~ luckily I can get what Dr. Teo wants.
If not...hahaha...I'll be getting scold by him.
Today is the first time whereby we did the experiment by ourself.
I'm not not many of us have the chance to try out by own because during secondary school we're doing in a group.
Now all are totally different. We have to remember the steps even have to prepare our own solution by using some methods.
The experiment is actually a practical test. Marks are counted in our final exam.
The experiment is actually a practical test. Marks are counted in our final exam.
Today we're doing titration for oxalic acid with sodium hydroxide and vinegar with sodium hydroxide.
After Chemistry,Jolin, Shu Ying and I went to eat lunch.
Later on we go and continue our Psychology class.
We're lost cause we don't know where's our class.
Psychology class is a bit boring la. Haiz...
Not really understand what she's talking about. What to do??
The class ends 15 minutes earlier.
I'm waiting for my hubbie to fetch me for an outing.
Thanks hubbie so much. Hubbie fetches me back to hostel to take bath then go dating d.
On the way to Queensbay Mall, I have taught hubbie the wrong way.
Actually the road is just one way but I strictly say that it's correct.
Somebody even look at us, so paiseh!!!!!
And dear..please stop laughing at me already ler.
I'm not stupid lar!!! Sobx~
We went to eat Sakae Sushi. I eat Japanese Curry Mee and hubbie eats Unagi Rice.
Hubbie now is addicted to unagi so much. No matter unagi rice or unagi sushi,he will order that.
So cute of him. =)
Hubbie, don't always say that I'm hiao la.. I will whack your butt!!! Hmph~
I bought a t-shirt at PDI Concept Store and was finding a shop that Clarin intro me.
We walk until so many times also can't found that shop but hubbie's legs pain.
Pity him...then we went to buy plasters. Muackss~ Sayang back har...
3 shirt cost me RM50 not expensive la actually. But 3 are too much for me.
After dinner, we back to hostel.
Wanna kiss hubbie but there's people in the opposite hostel.
I wave hands to my hubbie at the window there. Hehe...
I'm crazy of him!!!! haha
I love you much!
I won't leave you anymore.
I need you eagerly.
I miss you every single second.