given by my "aiya" son...thx orx~
+ 14 April 2009 +
- sunny day -
yest(mon) i'm absent to sch...
coz i went to learn car...LASt time adi...
today im having da acara akhir padang at sch...
im the representative high jump 4 my red house...
finally,i din make my supporters feel disappointed orx~
i hv won the 1st place!
yeah~ finally i did it!!
izit coz a tin of 100+ dat css bought 4 me??'s worth!thx ya lotzz..
cwl suggest me 2 take her as my gs as she admire me such a long time..
- rainy + sunny -
today i wake up vry early in da morning..
cz i hv to go 4 da jpj car test...
i'm damn nervous geh...
reach the exam place at 9.15am
wow~ so many ppl...
car + motor = 3xx ppl neh
i'm jz sitting at thr wait like siao lang...
after dat a jpj tester called me up..
im da last among the ppl whose he hv called...
so nervous~wad 2 do?!
i call dd at 12 sumting..
he din go 2 work 4 2 days...
waad da hell he is doin at home i asked
he jz slp, eat & ply
dat's my conclusion...
finally it's my turn,2 sumting,
i walk to the car, n yet...
da jpj told me dat he wana go to eat d...
make me so "kin cheong" on dat time...
i get 2 noe new frends thr...
haha^^ funny frends...
not bad huh?!
one of them jz get 7 marks 4 the car test Bhg. 3
so pity him la..
failed 1 thing onli let us perli n "suan" until gt nth 2 say anymore...
today was a nice day 4 me...
at last i hv passed my car test n yet i no nd go thr anymore~
i hate drive manual car! seriously!
so mahuan...
i sumore "si huo" at jln raya thr lea...2 times!
wtf!!make me tiok ceh kia...
luckily the jpj so gd..let me pass gok...
wif 17 marks...
my dad so bad..
taut i hv failed...issshhh~
look down me worh...haiyaya~
i reach home at abt 4.30pm
late liao...
after eat,went out wif my dad a while..
thn, go to oioi d...
damn tired neh~
sumore wana me 2 wash clotes..