8 May 2009
sunny day
im bck to my bloggie...sry 4 abundan eu...
2day is da 3rd day 4 our mid-term exam
haiz...is Sejarah
i "love" it!!
i'm wonder y i cnt study finish early b4 exam..
coz i'm lazy...da lazy worm is in me..
yest i study til 2.30am midnight to finish all da F5 chapter
although jz 4 chapter
but it jz like killing me!! *sigh
1st test paper is Sej. paper 2
[ essay & stuctured ques ]
damn it!! i 4gt some of it...
sumore wana us write out da tokoh's name..
hell la..who will goin to memorise those long name..
after dis paper v cn eat peacefully whn recess time..
later on continue our exam...
subject : Sej paper 1
duration time : 12pm-1pm [ 1 hr ]
i finished at : 12.30pm [ 1/2 hr ]
after finished : most vital thing i'll do - sleep~
nt onli i slp la..sy oso slp wad..hahax^^
although those stupid tea dun let us slp..
bt i stil did da same thing..
cz i jz slp for less thn 4 hrs !!
i quickly done my paper thn jz stick my face on da table d..
cnkl & me goin bck b4 da bell rang..haha
da guard asks us y v goin bck so early..
whn v walk out frm the sch gate
cnkl saw a Rapid bus..
she says is 703!!
both of us ran vry fast to the opposite road's bus stop..
walao~ tired man!
unfortunately,dat was nt 703 but 801!!
shit her la..
[ plan 2 wear to tonight's dinner ]
thn v wait so long time only get a Mini Bus to bck home..
while waiting...v watch a "movie" thr
a few of Indian girls so bps lea..
find all da Indian guys come our sch outside thr waiting them
so sucks la them!!
they r jz try 2 pollute our sch's name..wtf~
somre act polite whn cross the road..
coz usually they wil cross like samseng type..
[mayb u dun und wad i say but u wil und if u look on ur own]
yucks~~like 2 pretend!!
the guys' motor jz absolutely like da UFO's siren la..
i told dat out whn i heard...
all of them laugh..
after they saw tea cuming out frm sch,
they immediately switch place..
dat's opposite road-bus stop & phonebooth thr..
all of us watching hw was da movie is goin on...
while they r talking,wei li is creating her own conversation 4 them...
guy : wad la u!
girls : nth la..
guy : ya mea??haha
girl : ya la...
guy : i wana go back d la..gv me a kiss b4 i go back la..
girl : dun wan la..so paiseh..
guy : come on la..nvm la..pls~
girl : hana..[ direct kiss on the guy's face ]
guy : so sweet...[ smile at the girl ]
girl : yer~ u laugh ppl de..
guy : bye~~
girl : bye too~muackss...
thn the guy went to opposite of the bus stop de road thr..
v jz hope dat his motor wil "peng" lor..
haha...thn v sure luagh like hell..
whn v r watching the movie...
v discovered Mini Bus...
haiz..== hate la!!
ppl is watching movie thn the bus only cum...
bullshit la those indian girls..they r stil F3 students...
no need do all da stuff outside sch gua~~so "hiao"~
reach home quite early 2day..nearly 2pm d..better thn those day b4so hot la da weather..haiz...thn goin to take bath...god son oways wana me accompany him go out nia..sumore cal me go gai-gai...lolx..i'm exhausted la..i jz need to slp...after that i sit in da living room a while..thn i go to "dating" wif my bed...hahax^^"dating" until 6 sumting..i awake..my dad is scolding my bro again!!so irritating..sumtimes i really hate i gt such bro..feel like killing him off!! out my my sight!!jz noe hw 2 make my dad & mum angry of himhaiz...dun talk bout dat...actually i wana go 2 da dinner de..but at last my mum says no place 4 me d..thn mah forced to tui lor..i ride motorcycle to tui...long time nvr ride liao..tui thr i saw wen hao..long time nvr chat d..jz talk a while wif him..i walk into tui centre,saw Dylan..hahaa bull....actually he's nt as tall as i think nia..i told him..he scolded me..jz a joke la,come on~!i show the "msn on9 paper" to frends..so funny..i leave da 1st paper at home..sucks~i promise them 2 bring it 2mrw..many funny jokes crack during tuition..Mr. Na even show us his liscene photo...looks different huh...^^thn Ms. Prawn get dis opportunity to perli tea..finshed my add maths tui at 10.05pmwhn reach home,they stil nt yet bck frm the dinner...i mah switch on Tv lor..watch dat Mr. 3 Minutes...quite funny oso ler..i oso thinking wana break up wif him d..i hv no point 2 together wif him anymore..so better be friend..i try 2 call him up many times..but he nvr pick up my call..im wonder wad he is doing..y he wana treat me like dat..wad he promise me r jz a lie..coz in a word believe...thr is a LIE in between...i gv up!! i wana be a single...better n comfort!i wil try my best to throw u out of my mind..bro is plying PS2 in my room..i went to his room watch the movie...slp vry late ler..1 sumting liao..duno wad time my bro slp oso..nitez~~
___________________________________________________________________7 May 2009sunny + rainythis few days oways raining non-stop..wonder wad's happening..mayb dat's human being make the sky mad...thn raining all da day...the sky is protesting to human being~!!yeah~i'm crazing to think all dat those nonsense...hahax^^ [scratched my head]2day is da 2nd day of havin exam..subject : English [ paper 1 & 2 ]
duration time : 2.5 hrs + 1.75 hrs
go bck early today...but i'm alone..cz cnkl is havin her Chinese paper exam..haiz...actaully wan call my god son cum n pick me up..unfortunately,i hv forgotten his num..so, i mah bck by public bus nia lor..taut Ms.Prawn wil study in sch library...manatau...i met her up in the bus..lili is goin to library wif her ltr...so, she'll bck to hers house...
_goin to eat at pcf_
after dat,my god son cum n fetch me go pcf eat lunch...dis is my suggestion...as i long time nvr go thr visit my friends d..hahax^^miss them lotz..i went to find xue yun...chat wif her a while..get sum news frm her...they r nt goin to work thr anymore..cz they beh syok n beh ngam wif ming hui d..[ ming hui - Yong Tai's supervisor...nt dat Ms.Prawn ]haiz...y bcum like dat la.dun und...she even told me dat she saw Mr.Neoh always appear at pcf...walk pass by the shop..below is our conversation :-[actually is in chinese,but i translate la]
yun : dat day i saw zhao yang holding another girl's hand come pcf lor..sumore walk passby our shop...
me : ya mea??but he told me b4 dat he dun hv gf wor...so weird...
yun : ya la..so fast he gt gf d...haha
me : maybe...wah~ he lies me wor...im goin to ask him later...n oso perli him..
yun : ooh~~ dun jelous har..
me : wad la eu~ i gt bf d,k? n i dun like him anymore...
yun : ok lorh~
after chat wif her a while...
she told me shermaine is cuming bck d..
haha^^ she working here too!! i walk to talk to her..
she get a shock frm me!she even taut i 4gt her d wor..
after dat i went to play "ding-ding" at arcade thr...
sry 4 making him waited me so long..haha
as usual, i ply my Rock Fever..love it!!^^
he fetcj me home after plying...
reach home at 4 something..
gt nth to do...so i go to "date" wif my bed again...
hehe..jz less thn 1 hr thn i wake up liao..
sit in da living room study sej for few pages
while waiting my dad fetch me go 4 physics tui at inotek lor...
It's me...i ♥ my hair...^^
i wear jz like goin to pcf jz nw...Ms.Prawn reach thr after i reach...Remee & cnkl reach thr b4 me..Ms.Prawn sit the most inside...thn beside her is Remee thn cnkl thn it's me...the fan is on Ms.Prawn's bottom of her head...here's our conversation...all the conversations is in chinese...translated by me...
Prwan : wei...i'm so hot la...i wana sit outside...
Me : thn me sit la..lolx...
Prawn : Remee...change place wif me la..
Remee :dun wan ah...
Prawn : cnkl...chnage place wif me lea...
Cnkl : dun wan la..u call winnie la..
Me : pls la hor...i oso dun wan...
Prwan: yer~u all like dat wan ah...i dun wan tuition at here d la..
[ Prawn is angry wif 3 of us d ]
thn sen joo come...
she's wondering y Ms.Prawn angry us..
thn i told her..
ltr i start our converstaions on paper...
after i wrote thn pass it to cnkl & Remee...
lastly gv it to Ms.Prawn..
cz v jz dun wan change place wif her thn she angry us d lo..
haiz..== so small gas de arh...
[ took it in my parents bed room...kakaz>< ]whn write til da 1st paper almost finished...cnkl & Remee already "sign out" n even set their mode to "busy"left me n Ms.Prawn in the conversations..Ms.Prawn draw a pic 4 me...
shown as below :-
the story is like dat :-me [winnie] handling a pisau...as she duno pisau in eng is knife...nvm~wad i talk is jz as tajam as pisau...will kill her [miang = Ms.Prawn]at last...she lose to me whn fighting talk wif me...she's dead finally...she even wrote-Miang is fly to the sky to "tian tang"(in chinese words)actaully she wana write heaven,but she duno call wad in eng...hahax...damn funny~whn i saw wad she has drawn..i laugh till nth to say...whn went bck,i saw her at the traffic light junction..she turn to bck n saw me..i laugh at her...i oso duno y...mayb coz of wad she has drawn jz nw..after taking my dinner,i continue my sej in my room...read til 12.30am thn my gor cook cintan mee...eat together, thn i continue study at 1pm..phew~finally i study finished at 2.30amwow~i jz hv less thn 4 hrs time to slp..better slp fast..hahax^^so tired...my eyes is protesting to me!!nitezz lorh~