10 May 2009
sunny + rainy
morning havin lunch at clp...
my bro treat all of us eat chicken rice..
swt..==" during mother's day nerhx..
gt ppl treat eat liek dat during mother's day??
im wondering abt dat...
after bck,i ply ps2 wif my sis in my room..
wowowo~~so boring nia..oways me win geh..
haiz..thn ply til 3pm...thn i continue study..
ltr on i study until 4 something thn go take bath..
after dat i drive car fetch my family(exp bro) go my popo hs...
i slp at 12.xx...cz of dat stupid exam
i cnt finished all my phy in jz night!
pls save me...God~
i duno wad izit all abt!
actually im jz sms-ing more thn resding dat lame stuff...
hahax^^dis call pay attention la...=="
as today is mother's day...
also nearly 2 my cousin sis's(wan chin)b'day lu..
bt early celebrate a bit lor..hehe
a lotzz of finger licking good food 4 us to eat...
all mothers thr nt yet eat thn 4 send into our stomach 1st..
kakaz..they r protesting at the kitchen thr...
today...i sms a lotzz wif my ex[ch]..
i stil like him??ya...i stil..2 and a half year adi..
he stil like me too..but v cnt together..i oso duno y..
i wil feel sad whn think abt he gonnna to leave here & stay at Penang..
i cnt afford to c him nt beside me..mayb dat's true..
i wil cry once i think abt him..y i'll becum like dat??
last time im always use to lie myself dat i dun like him anymore..
nw i realise im nt at all..im stil cnt leave him out frm my heart..
= hp...scissors...pencil & her most vital 'rope' =
wahahaa^^ v r plying her things...
dat's last sunday's work..[3.05.09]
thn reach home around 8.30pm liao..
me stil hv no mood to study..
after watch finished the movie,i continuing study..
study...study...n study...
except study wad can i do more??dat's sms!!
b4 i slp Steven [timun] call me..
(as Eric likes to cal him timun=cucumber)
asking me those lame things..i'm exhausted lea Mr..
thn he ask me n Eric hw adi..
i duno wad kind of response should i gv him..
i jz tell him the truth dat im goin to break up wif him d..
i hv no point to wif him anymore..
i better be single & available...right??
he says me stupid..ya..i'm stupid cz i like him..
duno y~haiz...==
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