2day morning really cnt wake up ler...
so sleepy nerhx...cz yest waiting dat MR. NEOH 2 call me bck...
jz like waiting 4 many years niax...
wait til me oso fall aslp liao la...
he really GAI ler...oways go out ply til midnite de...
especially go 2 GA~~
jz nw he told me dat he kena lotery...erm...520 lu...
[so ngam de...520= " wo ai ni"]
he wana go n open line liao...wuwuwuuuu~~
y lar...ltr call to0 much onli noe...
bt nt me pay oso....dun "chap siao" him ler...
non of my business...
i dun dare 2 oways sms him or wad ltr he say me "fan"...
haiz...he onli wil sms his gs thn me ler...
i ask him y...he says DUNO...
dat day he n his frends sitting outside GA thr chatting...
talk talk n talk...thn talk til the gf part...
his frends ask him 2 treat me better...kakaz...
[cz i treat him nt bad to0 mer...]
so miss him ler...hehe^^
bt i hv no time 2 go out la...lolx...n cnt go out to0...
sobx~>< HELL!!
im goin to DIE soon...
oways keep asking me wheter i will call my bf DARLING on futurer or nt...
nt jz ONCE....is EVERYDAY....
so "pek cek" d ler...
next time...i wil b more clever a bit...
keep my hp another places...delete all da sent box!
hng~~ let U c kosong de sent box...wakakaka~~^^
2mrw goin 2 b sketsa competition liao...
im so excited 2 c soo yee's acting la..
so funny + cute + sot sot de...
[ cute means = looks ugly bt ADORABLE... ]
hahaz...jz jk la anyway...hope she wont mad me whn she saw im writing her...
after bck frm sch...
jz eating n on9 watch miss no good...
thn go to take a nap...
erm....whn i were nicely slp halfway...
my dad...kakacaucau 4 wad la.. haiz....=="
force me go ask 4 the car liscence wan tings at clp thr...
jz go thr 4 10 min nia thn cum bck d...
cnt slp liao la..
2day gt a ppl cum n noe me...
he is jing zhu's frend...
erm....bt i nvr saw him b4 lor...
he taut dat im vry GUAI de gals...
hahax...^^ dats a wrong opinion!! im GUAI LAN...
anyway....jz be a frend....nvm gua~~
more a frend is always better thn less a frend mah...rite??!
jz nw ch told me dat every1 of his frend almost noe his head was injured last time... haiz...worry...
izit dat last time his head injured nt bcz of me?
or mayb cz of me thn he jz dun wan i felt sory 2 him?duno larhx~!
duno hw is da condition nw... he nt yet reply my msg ler..
yest he asked me...
the ques is---
if til the end of 2day...i will leave dis world..wad would u tell me?
i said dat vry sry...last time i din treat u vry gd as my bf...
he replied me dat he oledi satisfy wif last time whn v r stil 2gether...
thn i ask him bck da same ques...
he said sat he will hug me tightly n say sorry to me...
thn i duno wat sry dat he means...i asked him...
he said dat sry cz last time he leave me...
he feel sry... he wana be bck wif me...
bt i tink...v break up so many times...isit dis wont be happened again?
bt nw i gt bf d...i cnt jz leave him...
if i really leave him cz of u...
i duno wat will be happened on u...
duno lAa..............
so confused..............................
goin 2 c my sch's blog d...
mucksss n nitezz~~