many homework nvr done and mz be passed up today...
kinda bz at sch..all of my buddies are the same too...
we haven't complete our sej and komsas...we jz keep copying hw at sch...
at sch was so fun jz now...hehe^^
this week is the Science & Mathematics Week,
so the panitia organise some activity 4 all of us...
for our form 5 science stream, we hv the chance to make ice-cream..
we ply til so over when processing the ice-cream...haha
the main procedure is must shake the ice cube with the milk inside the plastic
hoho~ we do use a lotz of way...throw, run, shake here n thr...
and many of juniors are looking at us...haha...
7 of us-Me, cnkl, lls, sy, Remee, Clarin & Ms.Prawn
[ unfortunately, not made by us ]
the 2nd time ice-cream nt hard enough but the taste was absolutely delicious!!
yummy yummu~~ hehe^^...we eat that during our recess time...
after recess time, we continue bck do our sej and also komsas(bm)...
this can be counted as the "busy day" for our class ...
this is because most of us nvr done finish the homework and mz be passed up today.
phew~ i jz done finish my sej bt komsas i jz copy during phy class...haha
at last also cnt finish copy sucks...
i sumore hv to stand in the class for few bad luck~

i'm sure u'll noe that the ppl is - Soo Yee....lolx...
everytime when we r rushing to finish up our work,
she will produce a lot of voices and sounds...various sound...
i believe those who in my class will know this very well...
hence, my class is having a vry serious sound pollution..seriously i mean!!
b4 goin to tui, we went to tui centre early thn went to sunway's arcade to play
we're having fun time thr coz we r playing the racing car...
only 4 of us plying [ me,remee,cnkl & lls ]...except Ms.Prawn
her reason is she's sort of $$ adi...due to the $$ she has paid for the Gang Show
haha...pity her ler..jz standing thr and looking at us plying and shouting like hell
the Remee duno hw to drive de wor... so funny..really having fun thr..
thn she oways beat cnkl whn she bang on hers she bang me..ish~
thn we r late to tuition again...lolx...whn only i can be more serious on my study??
Oh Mamamia~~~ help me!!! can U???
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