> Sunny Day <
early morning i sms to eddie...he really taut i'll wake up so early...haha
after send a msg to him thn i continue to slp d...
bad news frm him, he says he failed his undang test...haiz...
haha...today i hang outz with my lovely friends...
miss them so much..really...haha^^
after stop working, i'hv nvr seen them for half years d...
as today Yun off day so both of them come here from Kuala Kurau,Perak.
wow~ they come here since morning thn noon only reach here...
so,i called my bro fetch me go to Yun's hostel wait they come
they reach here around 12 something...i reached b4 both of them
thn, 3 of us went to upstairs chatting..lolx..Ean laugh so loud jz like last time
Xian lea...she promised me to help me cut hair...haha^^wait n c~
after that, Yun, Ean, Xian and me walk to pcf...wat a hot sunny day..
but we do enjoy walk to thr...miss the time when we're stil working..hehe
we went to eat western food when reach thr,cz they r hungry d..
after we take our lunch at pcf hypermarket thr, we went to arcade n ply..
hoho~ as usual, i'll ply my rock fever la of coz..thn they sumore go sing song
Xian & Ean take some photos thr...after that, me and Yun oso...
as we walk, saw something so we jz take pic..
it's infront the Exhibition Hall of Pacific...u nvr heard ya??haha
Xian help we take picz...we do our pose..
when we come down frm escalator...and of course...
the escalator does nt move at all~ hahahaha
thn we went to last time we work de shop-Yong Tai
haha...meet some friends thr too...hehe
thn we went to hypermarket bought some ice-cream b4 went bck
we use to walk back too...haiz..who call we dun hv car wor...
reach the hostel, sit ,talk, watch TVXQ's mv and snap pics...
suddenly,Yang called me...he says he saw 4 of us walking bck..
suddenly,Yang called me...he says he saw 4 of us walking bck..
he sumore perli me..iiissshhh...i'll pay that bck to u...hng~
thn i call Xian-my daughter, helps me cut hair..haha
actually i feel a bit scared lor..duno wat will come out after she cuts
haha...finally looks okay la...^^thx orx~
after that, we gt nth to do...continue snap pics again..swt...=="
4 of us~~
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