Sunny Day
My dear was sick yesterday. I'm worry about him, really!
I miss him lots too! ^^
This morning Clarin messages me when I woke up.
Got to know that she's on the way take bus going to Jetty to Penang.
She needs somebody to accompany her to sms.
So, I'm the one who has to accompany her.
Her hubby is sick. She cooks porridge and leng chi kang for her hubby.
Aww~ So sweet of her. Label her as a caring girlfriend. Haha
I wonder why my dear never message me. It's 11.30am.
He sure wake up d what. I call him.
He's on the way coming to here but not my house.
He has to go to Pacific to look after his dad's shop a while.
I'm waiting for him. Hope to see him soon.
I told dear I'll cook for him. He might be very happy I think.
And I'm also happy to cook for him. =) I'm willing to do so!
Dear looks sick but he stil come and find me.
I have to sayang him lotz back! Mwahx~
We went to Pacific at 5 something.
Before that we went to ATM first! haha..
I'm noob. First time wanna draw money out from my account.
I don't know what should I press.
We reached there and help his dad to look after the shop a while because there's sort of workers.
I draw the money out because I wanna buy Nike shoes.
Dear keep confused me when I said I wanna buy Nike shoes.
At last, I bought that back! Yuhuu~ I'm happy!
Thanks dear for your 50 bugs but that money is I borrow from you. Okay!
I don't want to use your money to buy that.
I'm also working. I have the ability to pay for that.
I know you affraid that I don't have enough money to spend.
Thanks for your caring. Muackss~
We have our dinner at 广东小吃 because dear only can eat porridge.
So pity him. =(
Oh ya! We also watched movie there.
We watched Woohoo Tiger!
Yaya... I know I'm already outdated la!
I'll rate the movie 3/5 only.
Quite funny also ler.
The Ah Beng looks funny and humour.
The Rain looks gay. Ewwww~
But they just act la.
After movie, dear drive me home.
On the way back home, we never chat with each other.
I know that's my wrong. I never sms them also!
I'm so sorry! I don't hope they'll sms me on that time too.
I've spoilt your good mood. Sorry dear.
I'm a little bit mad because I want you to eat medicine.
Without medicine how will you recover fast?
I will change for you.
But stil sorry for that incident.
I only love you.
I won't love others anymore.
I love you.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
22 February 2010, Monday
Sunny Day
Farewell for my beloved buddy, Shawis (Soo Yee).
She will goes to Sarawak on this coming Wednesday, 24 Feb.
I'll miss her much because when we're stil studying, we can meet 5 days per week.
She leaves us until the end of year only come back here.
I hope the time could freeze when we're together.
So sad to say that it's impossible, right?
Seriuosly, I miss her. =(
We went to Samm's house after finish work at 7pm.
Go back home bath then go.
Samm, Calaine and Remee follow me go back home wait for me to bath.
That day was 'Chu 9', got to get ang pau from Samm's mum. Thanks yeah!
And...Gong Xi Fa Cai orhx~ ^^
We not yet order anything to eat at Shawis' dad's seafood shop.
After ordered, we play some cards while waiting.
Here are some funny and memorable moments we've together.

Farewell for my beloved buddy, Shawis (Soo Yee).
She will goes to Sarawak on this coming Wednesday, 24 Feb.
I'll miss her much because when we're stil studying, we can meet 5 days per week.
She leaves us until the end of year only come back here.
I hope the time could freeze when we're together.
So sad to say that it's impossible, right?
Seriuosly, I miss her. =(
We went to Samm's house after finish work at 7pm.
Go back home bath then go.
Samm, Calaine and Remee follow me go back home wait for me to bath.
That day was 'Chu 9', got to get ang pau from Samm's mum. Thanks yeah!
And...Gong Xi Fa Cai orhx~ ^^
We not yet order anything to eat at Shawis' dad's seafood shop.
After ordered, we play some cards while waiting.
Here are some funny and memorable moments we've together.
Clarin and Shawis
When we're playing, Lai Yee served us some cookies and drinks.
I go and try the beer. And...the results are...
*look at the picture below*
Dang dang dang dang...My face was red and hot! I feel headache after that. Bullshit!
Then I stop drinking that already.I just drank a few but become like that.
But I'm not comfortable after drank the beer so can't really eat much.
I just know that I'm okay at first. Just feel a bit of headache and dizzy.
Time goes longer, I feel like vomit.
I'm not having baby,okay? Don't you all worry. Haha
I ran to the toilet to vomit for two times if I'm not mistaken.
I think I never eat anything before I drink so I got to vomit. LOL==
I won't did that stupid thingy anymore. I'm regret!!!
We did camwhore that day. My face looks so pale.
And I almost don't have the strength to stand anymore.
I keep calling them snap faster. hahaha
Sorry la! Last time I drink beer won't be like that also.
This time I'm bad luck. Haiz...
I cried that day before we leaved Shawis' dad's shop.
I don't want her to go. How come time passes so damn fast??
When will her come back and hang out with us?She also cannot confirm when.
I deeply miss her in my heart. Really I do.
After that, home-sweet-home. My brother fetch me back.
I get scolded once I reached home.
Baka brother go and told my parents. Grrrr~
Hate it!! My dear also scolded me. Sobx~
I know they care me so they scolded me that day.
Dear, I love you. =)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
10 February 2010, Wednesday
Although that's my birthday, I have to work as normal too.
Haiz.. So bad~ I'm not gonna elaborate more on this because I'm lazy.
I work morning shift on that day because gonna celebrate with my dear at night.
At my working place, my colleague also help me to celebrate.
Thanks to them!
They're Bid, Sean, Ken, Ming, Ana and Samm.
Bid lied to me that I've to work full for that day.
Luckily I never believe him. Haha.
I know that's just a trap. LOL==
There's no b'day cake but there's chocolate cheese cake they buy from Giant.
Hehe...with no candles. Nevermind!
They are so bad! Wipe the cake on my face!
I already have acne problem lea~ =X
At 7pm, home-sweet-home.
My dad come and fetch me back.
After bath and change my clothes, I straighten my hair.
Dear reach before I prepared all stuff.
He wait for me for around 5 to 10 minutes, I think. Sorry.
Then we headed to Pacific to sub the hp line.
So that I could sms and call my dear anytime for FREE! ^^
Dear bought a b'day cake for me at Bread Hisrtory.
It's Chocolate Tiramisu. Hehe. Thanks~
After settle down those thingy,we went to Sunway - the mall where I work everyday.
Dear plans to bring me to Amp Square. Only both of us.
Yay~ We sing and eat there until 1.30am only reach home.
It's because when we reached there is already 10.10pm.
The chocolate powder on the cake make me cough non-stop.
Shit la! Dear laugh at me at first.
Then he eats... As conclusion, that's not my problem.
He also cough because of the powder on the cake.LOL
Both of us laugh at each other. So lame.
Luckily my mum didn't scold me for late coming back.
She just mumbling that I shouldn't late back because dear go back late alone is very dangerous.
Swt...My mum scolded me because of him.
It's okay. I accept this but dear doesn't mind at all.
He rather stick with me or stay overnight at my home. =)
Thanks for all, my lovely dear!~
Only you.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The last day of being 17 years old
Sunny Day
Today is the last day of being 17 years old for me.
Time flies, I'll be 18 tomorrow!
I'm happy with that because I can celebrate with my boyf.
I'm sad because I'm getting older and I have to work!
Haiz...Life is always like that.
Once you blow off those candles once, you're older one year.
Can't wait you greet me Happy Birthday!
But you told me you wanna go to cyber cafe.
What can I aspect more?
Call you not to go? I can't be so selfish.
No matter what I stil love you. Muackss~
I'll wish myself Happy Birthday too.
Tomorrow will be my day. I don't want a dull birthday.
Yay~ It's mine and you're mine too.
Going to facial after work tomorrow.
After that dear will pick me up then we'll go to karaoke.
Only both of us.
I can't imagine only both of us there.
I hope it won't be boring lu~
This Thursday I will hang outz with my buddies.
I'm looking forward to that day.
I'm sure it will be interesting day.
My lovely dear,
sorry about yesterday.
I lose control again.
Maybe we're having different opinion on those things.
I know what I've promise you.
I love you much! Muahx~
Today is the last day of being 17 years old for me.
Time flies, I'll be 18 tomorrow!
I'm happy with that because I can celebrate with my boyf.
I'm sad because I'm getting older and I have to work!
Haiz...Life is always like that.
Once you blow off those candles once, you're older one year.
Can't wait you greet me Happy Birthday!
But you told me you wanna go to cyber cafe.
What can I aspect more?
Call you not to go? I can't be so selfish.
No matter what I stil love you. Muackss~
I'll wish myself Happy Birthday too.
Tomorrow will be my day. I don't want a dull birthday.
Yay~ It's mine and you're mine too.
Going to facial after work tomorrow.
After that dear will pick me up then we'll go to karaoke.
Only both of us.
I can't imagine only both of us there.
I hope it won't be boring lu~
This Thursday I will hang outz with my buddies.
I'm looking forward to that day.
I'm sure it will be interesting day.
My lovely dear,
sorry about yesterday.
I lose control again.
Maybe we're having different opinion on those things.
I know what I've promise you.
I love you much! Muahx~
հﻪթթկ ъﻨгէհժﻪկ
Thursday, February 4, 2010
第一個階段是生日在5月 20到5月31日 之間
第二個階段是生日在6月 1日到6月10日 之間
第三個階段是生日在6月 11到6月21日 之間
第四位 ★水瓶座01/20~02/18獨立、冷靜的頭腦賦予他們高瞻遠矚的遠見,注重精神交流讓他們在人際協調中如魚得水。他們的富不僅僅是數字的增長,更在精神上值得後人學習借鑒。
第八位 ★雙子座05/21~06/21代表人物:嚴凱泰。無拘無束的多變性格,他們不會把所有雞蛋放在同一個籃子里,雖然有80%的時間與成功沒有必然聯繫,但只要抓住一次機會,他們就能用20%的時間獲得成功。
第一個階段是生日在5月 20到5月31日 之間
第二個階段是生日在6月 1日到6月10日 之間
第三個階段是生日在6月 11到6月21日 之間
第四位 ★水瓶座01/20~02/18獨立、冷靜的頭腦賦予他們高瞻遠矚的遠見,注重精神交流讓他們在人際協調中如魚得水。他們的富不僅僅是數字的增長,更在精神上值得後人學習借鑒。
第八位 ★雙子座05/21~06/21代表人物:嚴凱泰。無拘無束的多變性格,他們不會把所有雞蛋放在同一個籃子里,雖然有80%的時間與成功沒有必然聯繫,但只要抓住一次機會,他們就能用20%的時間獲得成功。
4 February 2010, Thursday

Today almost can't wake up.
I'm too tired because I used to sleep very late everyday.
When I'm nicely sleeping, my mum wake me up and call me to hang something a the bottom of the door.
Lol...isn't too early to hang the red cloth?
I said I want to sleep, don't call me.Then she walked out from my room.
When I woke up in the morning, I taught my mum will bought me breakfast.
Who knows she was not at home. Haiz..
Have to cook instant noodles to eat. Awww~ pityful me.
After eat I rush to work.
Nothing much about today's work.
Reach there early but no people open the door.
Waited for few minutes with Ana and Samm then Sean reached.
After we done the thingy, all of us sat down and talk about boss' wife.
She's rude and do things without system and law. WTF!!
Seriuosly, I hate this kind of people.
Others work for her but she never pay the right amount.
Is it she's non-educated? Rich so what?
She thinks she's rich enough so she can has her own Labour Law??
I've never met such boss before. Hate her!!
And don't call me back to work during cny while I'm off.
I won't pick up the call.
If she wants to terminate me, then it's fine.
I also don't feel like working with such lousy boss too.
She can scold others eventhough the person didn't do anything wrong.
I hate this "Alice the wonderland"!!
Shit her! Booooooo~~ *thumbs down*
I feels pity to Sean and Ana. They work hard for boss but get this kind of treat.
I don't want we keep arguing.
I want you chat happily with me everyday.
Although I'm not by your side everyday,
but do you feel how much I love you?
I'm deeply falling in love with you.
Just you don't feel it and realise it.
I admit sometimes I might easy to get mad.
Sorry about that.
I less control you doesn't mean I don't care about you.
You're my everything.
My life, my lover and my happines.
I'm grateful to have you as my boyfriend and beloved.
I need you. I miss you.
I love you much.
Muackss~ =)
We're born to love
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
2 February 2010, Tuesday

Sunny Day
Today is Tuesday. Yeah~
I love today because it's an outing day for both of us as we just meet once a week.
Or even not once.Haiz...==
Next week dear will have to work. So I have to call my buddies out.
I wanna hang out with them long time ago just don't have the chance.
Today dear cooked fried egg for me.
Hehe...but I have to wash the cooking utensils after that.
This is the first time he cooks for me. Thanks a lot ya. Muahx~
*Sunway Carnival Mall*
I used to go back to the mall that I work even I'm off. Haha~
After parked the car, we bumped into Wei Li with her mum,sis and a kid.
So paiseh la...haha
Let her saw. =X
We went to Sunway to look up the Adidas shirt that I want eagerly.
Firstly, we went to Al-Ikhsan. No one shirt that I like.
Then, we went to Adidas. I'm so disappointed.
The shirt that I want (not eagerly,just okay) can't suit me beacause it's too big.
Feel a bit hungry. Dear said wanna eat Thai food as I likey too.^^
After Tom Yam Kung, we went to another mall.
It's kinda fun to walk all the mall nearby here in a day.
Firstly we also went to search for the Adidas shirt that I want it so much.
Yeah~ I found it. But.....the price was...OMG!! Damn expensive.
It's expensive than Nike. The price is killing me!
RM 119.00 for an Adidas shirt,can you buy?
Another disappoinment. T_T
Because if the price not so expensive then I can have that as my birthday present.
I also plan to buy a Nike shoes for myself as my birthday present,perhaps?
We move on to Adidas at Pacific. I saw the same shirt but the price also the same.
No less. So I just forget about that shirt.
Dear bought a shirt at SUB. He forced me to buy a shirt at there just now.
No idea. My taste one shirt over there that I want.
At last also buy a shirt that a bit similar to dear.
Suddenly dear's brother called him.
He had to go to his dad's shop look after a while because his brother wanna go to eat with her girlf.
I feel a bit uncomfortable there ler of course.
Maybe others will taught I'm one of the worker in that shop. Haha
When customers walk in, I feel like wanna run away.
But I can't because it's kind a rude action.
I send helping signal to dear and he came to serve the customer.
I don't know anything in his dad's shop. It's kinda shy when serving the customer.
I saw a Converse shirt in purple colour that's quite nice.
Dear bought it from his dad. Thanks...Love you. *kisses*
That one already consider as my birthday present gua...
I don't know. Maybe yes, maybe no. Haha
Actually wanna watch Woohoo! Tiger with dear. His dad ruin our plan.
His dad wants him to fetch his mum buy something so he has to rush back home.
Today is Tuesday. Yeah~
I love today because it's an outing day for both of us as we just meet once a week.
Or even not once.Haiz...==
Next week dear will have to work. So I have to call my buddies out.
I wanna hang out with them long time ago just don't have the chance.
Today dear cooked fried egg for me.
Hehe...but I have to wash the cooking utensils after that.
This is the first time he cooks for me. Thanks a lot ya. Muahx~
*Sunway Carnival Mall*
I used to go back to the mall that I work even I'm off. Haha~
After parked the car, we bumped into Wei Li with her mum,sis and a kid.
So paiseh la...haha
Let her saw. =X
We went to Sunway to look up the Adidas shirt that I want eagerly.
Firstly, we went to Al-Ikhsan. No one shirt that I like.
Then, we went to Adidas. I'm so disappointed.
The shirt that I want (not eagerly,just okay) can't suit me beacause it's too big.
Feel a bit hungry. Dear said wanna eat Thai food as I likey too.^^
After Tom Yam Kung, we went to another mall.
It's kinda fun to walk all the mall nearby here in a day.
Firstly we also went to search for the Adidas shirt that I want it so much.
Yeah~ I found it. But.....the price was...OMG!! Damn expensive.
It's expensive than Nike. The price is killing me!
RM 119.00 for an Adidas shirt,can you buy?
Another disappoinment. T_T
Because if the price not so expensive then I can have that as my birthday present.
I also plan to buy a Nike shoes for myself as my birthday present,perhaps?
We move on to Adidas at Pacific. I saw the same shirt but the price also the same.
No less. So I just forget about that shirt.
Dear bought a shirt at SUB. He forced me to buy a shirt at there just now.
No idea. My taste one shirt over there that I want.
At last also buy a shirt that a bit similar to dear.
Suddenly dear's brother called him.
He had to go to his dad's shop look after a while because his brother wanna go to eat with her girlf.
I feel a bit uncomfortable there ler of course.
Maybe others will taught I'm one of the worker in that shop. Haha
When customers walk in, I feel like wanna run away.
But I can't because it's kind a rude action.
I send helping signal to dear and he came to serve the customer.
I don't know anything in his dad's shop. It's kinda shy when serving the customer.
I saw a Converse shirt in purple colour that's quite nice.
Dear bought it from his dad. Thanks...Love you. *kisses*
That one already consider as my birthday present gua...
I don't know. Maybe yes, maybe no. Haha
Actually wanna watch Woohoo! Tiger with dear. His dad ruin our plan.
His dad wants him to fetch his mum buy something so he has to rush back home.
So I have to go back home early. Have dinner with my family.
Oh ya! I also go and find Remee (one of my buddies) at D-Stage,the shop where she works.
So happy to see her. I think it's surprise for her,right?
Today morning I sms her maybe not going there. At last I also appear there.
She also gave me a big big hug just now before I leave.
Love ya!! Buddies forever! Buddies rocks! Hehe
Dear, thank you.
I love you lots!!
I hope you really can accompany me during my birthday.
Shawis and Clarin...
I already told Remee that wanna hang out next week.
Maybe is Tuesday or Thursday.Is it okay we go to Penang to shopping?
##Clarin, I need you to be the driver to FETCH US.##
Oh ya! I also go and find Remee (one of my buddies) at D-Stage,the shop where she works.
So happy to see her. I think it's surprise for her,right?
Today morning I sms her maybe not going there. At last I also appear there.
She also gave me a big big hug just now before I leave.
Love ya!! Buddies forever! Buddies rocks! Hehe
Dear, thank you.
I love you lots!!
I hope you really can accompany me during my birthday.
Shawis and Clarin...
I already told Remee that wanna hang out next week.
Maybe is Tuesday or Thursday.Is it okay we go to Penang to shopping?
##Clarin, I need you to be the driver to FETCH US.##
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