Sunny Day
Tomorrow is the first day of SPM
but I stil keep going out with my tortoise.
Haha...sorry la buddies, he off day what.
As a gf of him, I've to accompany him geh.
I went to pacific to meet up Yi Lian with him.
Then he go to his shop then I meet up her at Yong Tai. So miss her! More than half year d.
She went to Johor to work since after cny.
Then we camwhore there.Hehe^^
After that, I went to buy my hp battery with tortoise.
He paid for me. So touched! I love you.^^ muacks~Thanks alot!
Then both of us headed to nearby auto-city there have our lunch.
He loves to eat fish. Especailly that stall's fish.
What to do, I also have to follow him to eat.
Then, due to time problem, he fetches me back home.
Before I opened the door, he looks like got something wanna tell me.
Haha...so funny. I got a bit shy. Argh~=="
He called me after he reached home. Miss him much.
21 November 2009
Sunny + Rainy
Yesterday is the BI paper and also Sejarah Paper 2.
Haiz...damn tired for the first 2 days of SPM.
Damn damn...I hope the day will end soon.
Then I wanna go to shopping with tortoise and hang outz with my buddy.
hehe^^ This morning I went to library study.
Calaine, Sen Joo, Remee and also Samm were there too.
In the afternoon, I as the motorcycle driver fetch Samm and Calaine to Sunway.
So tired, go and back for many times to fetch one by one.ish...
Somemore that Remee called me help her buy McD french fries pulak!
Fine...Samm, Calaine and I went to eat the Thai Food at Sunway Carnival Mall.
After that, I fetch Calaine back first then go McD buy fries for Remee.
Then i drop her at library then go back to Sunway to fetch Samm.
I've waited her at putside for few minutes.ish..so hot you know??
Nothing special afetr that, went back library study lo..
Eating so many sweets there..lolx..sure become fatter d!sucks~
All just to shoot that Pig nia.kakaz...we're so bad.
Remee, Calaine and I keep shoot the words at her.
She can't withstand with us then she just keep quiet and let 3 of us talk.
Samm just keep laughung beside. Manatau suddenly the Pig "ki dang" wor~
Have you seen before??? Nope right?
Yeah~ above is the photo captured by me!XD
You + Me = Love 2
swt..==" She got nothing to say when I discover the words on her shirt.
She "an lian" Remee and Calaine.She said that she loves to see Remee put down her hair cause looks nicer...we laugh like hell!!
Then she also "an lian" Calaine. Besides, she also "an lian" me.Hiak hiak~
Below is the funny conversation between us.
(but we talk in Chinese)
Calaine : Do you come to library tomorrow?
Pig : Don't know yet because I have to see whether tonight raining or not.If raining then I don't want come already.
Calaine : Huh?? Why?==
Me : I know la...Actually she can come.Because raining that time she can't fly back to the so-called 'heaven' what. Sure can come de.
Remee : Ya hor...haiyo~ come la tomorrow.
(when I accidentally said it out, all of us starting to laugh again..non-stop. Once we look at her face, can't forget about that)
Tonight my tortoise went to KL with his friends d..can't accompany me.
So I sleep very early.Boring night without him.I need him and yet I miss him too.
This morning he went to cut his hair..but...too short d! Not very suit him lor.
Haiz..just ignore that bah~hehe^^ Don't worry la tortoise, I stil love you!
22 November 2009
Sunny + Rainy
Calaine ask me go to library. Again~
After done all my things, my mum fetches me go to eat then only go there.
I meet Samm and Calaine there. Then I sms Soo Yee to come and join us too.
I have to thank to Samm because she rides motorcycle go to buy lunch for us.
Hehe^^ so sweet of you. Then we eat together.
We go back to our place continue study and suddenly Soo Yee poke out in front of us.
We went to outside toilet there and camwhore.Haha
Suddenly feel to take photos with her.
Suddenly feel to take photos with her.
Soo Yee suggests we go to eat McD after that, so she fetches Calaine and I there.
Samm rides her own motorcycle there.She follows Soo Yee car to the destination.
Samm rides her own motorcycle there.She follows Soo Yee car to the destination.
I have ordered a large french fries. So satisfaction when eating the fries.haha
Soo Yee drops Calaine first then me.
Thanks ya!^^
Hope we really can eat steamboat at your dad's shop after our Chemistry paper. I'm so excited!! i can't wait the day coming!
Today morning around 3.15am I'm awaken and I sms for tortoise.
He not yet sleep wor.Haiz..pity him.have to take bus to KL at 5am.
Sms with him a while then he called me. I hang up the phone call then go to sleep after that. So sweet^^muahx~
I didn;t chat much with him today. Haiz..==
But nevermind la..tonight he's coming back already.
He surely feels very tired la.
I should let him rest buy not to call he accompany me.
I'm lazy to study now! Argh~
Please leave me
As Soon As Possible!!