Just went to sch as usual..
Yest I'm damn lazy to do my chemistry paper, so go to sch the 1st thing is to do the set paper!!
Not only me nvr did the paper..others too!=="
Our class only have 16/30 ppl attend today..
The physics tea is damn angry with those who ordered the book yest but nvr come today to pay for the book..
Because thr's a Physics Seminar conductued by En. Abdul Wahid today at sch's hall..He's a tutor at Jireh Tuition Centre.
She said the seminar start at 8.15am but we've waited him for abt 1 hr..
We skip our Chemistry class and just sitting in the canteen do the paper tht she gave us yest.
She's unhappy with us because mostly our chinese gang nvr entered her class.
She calls Khye Fang to copy down those who nvr attend her class student's name.
She wanted to demerit us! My god!! we went to apologize from her but she didn't accept it!
Nvm la..i stil hv 100% what..ermmm..after subtract the 2%, I stil have 98%..
Still get an A what!!! hehe^^
It's English period...Pn. Phan came into the class..She called ed-board member to choose something.
She only gave that to us..coz we helped her a lots I think..haha^^I'll upload the pic later on.
I get the blue one..but with the bck part not painted lea~isshh..anyway, Thx ya teacher!!
So, I went to teacher's table and inform Pn. Phan that we're going out with Pn. Fadzilah.
Below is our conversation..quite funny and cute la teacher.
Me : Teacher, Lai Samm,Calaine and I have to go out to take McD.
Tea : Oh...but you go with who??
Me : Pn Fadzilah will fetch us by her car.
Tea : Can..but......I want a set after you all come back.
Me : Ohh...ok..I'll give you if there's EXTTTRRRRRRAAAAAA~ one!!
Tea : Hey! That's the way I'm talking.
Me : *just laughing...
[ everybody in the class laughing too!! ]
After that, Soo Yee goes along with us too..hehe^^
We buy an ice-cream to eat too..yummy~~
After giving out the present and food..saw some extra nugget there.
Calaine and I took a glass of carbonated drinks and a box of nugget for Pn. Phan.
She refused both, but at last we make her to take the drinks and 2 pieces of nugget.haha~
After eating, we're playing the prize giving ceremony..haha..quite lame la us~
Samm give away the present for Calaine..I'm the person who announced her to ake the prize away..she acts so funny!
Then, it's my turn to take the prize..calaine as the announcer..She use her stupid voice to do sound effect..*faint and laugh~
Everybody in the canteen is looking at us..but we don;t care so much..continue playing.
Phew~ not yet eat finish the set already vry full..
Many ppl didn't come so we take bck all the food..Yippie~!!!!
I bring back for Mei Gee and sent to her house..damn hot la the sun!
After that, home-sweet-home lu..
I keep on9...saw the links by Roy Hins..the women's boobs is damn bog until cover her upper part of her body til her legs.my gosh~
So, I wonder why guys like big boobs...haiz...==" Can anyone tells me that?????
Yeah! My dad agree me to change the Streamyx package to a cheaper one..huhu~
I can continue on9 d..happy!
My life with FS, FB, MSN.......and with my lovely HP too!! Muacksss~
Love my daddy!!!!!
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