today at sch is jz bz-ing...
having add maths ceramah at 11am til 1pm lo
starting of the ceramah won't feel anything..
but whn time goes on, i feel sleepy and sleepy..
but whn the ceramah started nt more thn half hours
the Ms.Prawn started feels sleepy adi.
she shows me her noob face expression...haha^^
after the ceramah, i help cnkl for her photograph stuff
b4 the ceramh,dat's 10am...
i help her manage the 5 Cergas for individual photo session
after that went for recess..
no ppl at the canteen we buy our food vry fast
after reach home, as usual jz sms a while thn go n take bath lor..
thn i go to cc..haha...during the journey bck to home..
i saw Ms.Prawn sitting motorcycle bck to home..her dad fetch her
she sumore act vry childish-use her hand to make a gun and shoot at me lame la her~ after i reach home, he called me...
i get a shocked frm him cz he called me..i duno wat he's thinking actually...
i really duno wat is in his mind...haiz..why he wan did dat to me??
why he wants to force me to do those things that i don't like?
i really hate it!! really and seriously hate that!!
i don't like ppl treat me like this...and u did it!damn u~

i call bck cnkl once i reach home...
actually we plan to go sunway's arcade and ply...
unfortunately all of us cnt go coz facing some technique problem..haiz==
i reach tui centre thr n saw remee thr waiting...
thn me n her mumbling cnkl over thr
cz she is the one who call us early go but she is the latest ppl who reach tui centre
malea~ ply both of i decided that both of us go down n wait 4 her
whn she reach, we pull her go to seven-eleven buy drinks..haha
she bought a super big cup of Marinda Orange that costs RM2.10
thn both of us share...during tui was damn boring..
we just keep on talking..haha...but sometimes pay attention too
but not more than 10 min...haha...we jz chatting some nonsense thr
after taking my lunch, i do homework...haha...izit amazing??
as usual i won't do my homework..i do my moral folio a bit lor..
thn wana continue phy cz 2mrw wana passup..if nt dat Pn.MWS wil demerit us
haiz..but im damn lazy to do la..jz 4get abt it..haha...2mrw only c how ler..
wana go n read the novel that remee send for me jz nw during phy tui..
nightzz & muackzzz...
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