17 April 2011
Gotta go back early today because it's bii's mum's birthday celebration tonight.
I also booked a birthday cake for his mum 2 days before, that's Friday.
It's Chocolate Strawberry cake from Secret Recipe.
Bii come and fetch me at 9 something.
A bit disappointed because I thought that he'll come at 7 or 8.
He surprised me by bringing along his second brother and his mum on board together to my house.
Oh no! I'm finished!!
Because...I lied to my mum that it's his grandpa's birthday.
LOL...*I know I'm bad, but what-to-do?*
This reason had been used before, so we change lo.
Luckily my mum didn't realize! Or else...I'm really a dead meat later then.
After that, we off to Pacific to meet bii's daddy at shop.
Close shop and then we headed to Khuntai which is located at some where near Bagan Ajam.
Choosing place has been the problem when we reached there.
We walked here and there to find a suitable place to sit.
Bii's dad was funny. He can't decide where to sit. Haha
After settle down, it's food ordering time.
5 dishes have been ordered. All the food were sour, hot and spicy! I likey!!
Especially the tomyam. ^^
I don't have the photos here. I'll upload when I get those photos ya!
Had a happy moment with them all.
After the dinner, I went back to bii's house.
It takes us 1 hour to reach his home. Far huh?
They take rest a while then I lighted the candle on the cake.
Then must be birthday song singing time.
Bii was unable to quickly snap the picture of the greatest moment of blowing the candle off.
So sad. He's so noob. hehehes... XD
I eat until so full tonight. So satisfy!

The suit and hair of the day.
My bii love this type of hair style.
18 April 2011
We wake up very late today. You guess and see what time is it.
Haha..It's 1 pm! LOL==
Both of us sleep till noon. So bad...
Today is our off day. I exchange it with my colleague.
But I have to wait till next Wednesday only gotta rest.
Stay at home the whole day to rest.
In the afternoon, we went to bii's mum's shop a while.
Weather is so damn hot!
At night, bii go and bought some food back then we eat together.
Didn't go out anywhere that day.
Then home-sweet-home.
My mum keep mumbling beside me. Ugh!
I've enough for that. So, I'm just trying to ignore her.
Oh ya! I've got a great news!
Oh yay!!!
I got my offer letter, buddies!!!
Congrats me oh! :)
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