Sunny + Rainy Day
I really feel sad because I don't know how to make up.
Haiz...I went to Prom Night with hubbie.
Weee~ It's at Gurney Hotel.
Yi Jing and Jolin also went to make up and set up their hair.
Just me...I'm totally PLAIN. ==''
We reached there at about 8pm due to the no reason jam on the Penang road.
The party not very interesting actually.
But the food wasn't that nice. wasted my money. Haiz...
My money fly away~~
There's also some shows for us to enjoy like magic show, belly dance, singing rap song - love the way you lie...bla...
I'm not that remember already.
We left early from there and plan to head to cinema for a movie but it was late after the movie.
I will worry hubbie if he went back to late.
Then home-sweet-home.
Argue with hubbie after the pron night.
My parents saw I cry. So...damn.
No gonna explain more about the argument.
10 & 11th December 2010
Sunny + Rainy Day
Wake up in the morning....waiting for my hubbie to fetch me.
Of course, not going back his home yet.
He had to work on that day.
We finished work at 8pm then back to hubbie's home that located far far away.
His house was full of his cousin, relatives and his parent's friends.
Woots~ I'm a bit blur because there's so many relatives and I can't even remember who is who and so on. ==
That night was our chinese's "lao tia meh". I also don't know how to translate it in English ler. hehe
I'd mistakenly arranged the photos. SORRY!
* Btw, I will arrange it in number form.
p/s: I wake up very early in the morning lorh..I look fugly and fat huh?!
20th December 2010
Sunny Day
I'm forced to work. Haiz...
I'm broke and no choice...I have to work ler.
Today is the first day working at Sony Centre.
Sean and Bid are still here. :)
No worries...They're still as friendly as before.
Nothing much about the first day working at there.
No boss in the shop
My uniform is short ler...I don't want it looks fit. ==
22th December 2010
Sunny Day
Today actually is my off day.
Because I'm still new in the shop so I can only off start from next Wednesday.
How sad?? I can't go and hang around with hubbie.
He came my shop to find me.
Then we went to have our lunch together at Kim Tavern.
After work, he came and fetch me then headed to Raja Uda for seafood porridge.
But the stall didn't open due to "tong zhi" festival.
Oh ya! Hubbie also brought me "tang yuan".
Yumm.. Miss my tang yuan so much.
We ate our supper till very late.
Hubbie reach home already 1 am.
I'm still awake that time. haha..
Gonna be panda tomorrow.
25th December 2010
Sunny Day
Jingle bell...jingle bell...jingle all the way~
Yeah..It's christmas!! :)
I didn't go and countdown or celebrate whatever...s**t
Hubbie didn't accompany also. :(
As usual, I have to work form 9 something to 10.
After work, hubbie comes and fetch me to my uncle's house warming party.
When we reached there already no much food left.
So, we just simply eat.
Hubbie went there with me because of his new wife - HTC Desire HD
I want it too! So sad that he don't have enough $$.
Or else...he will bought me one too! ^^
Nevermind..after Chinese New Year he will bought me. Hehe
28th December 2010
Sunny + Rainy Day
Yahoo!! Tomorrow is my off day.
I'm gonna go back 7pm today. ^^
Firstly, I lie to my mum that I will back at 10pm.
Secondly, I lie to my hubbie that I won't go and find him because I'm exhausted.
I'm sick that day but I still insist to go and find him for like 2 and half hours.
Hubbie bought me cool night fever to stick on my forehead.
Hoping the next day to see him very early.
If once I wake up I can see good??
29th December 2010
Sunny + Rainy Day
My mum keep asking me to go to find degree course for further study.
Then we decided to go to AIMST University.
Waited for hubbie for a morning.
He's busying for his family thingy.
Didn't shop that day...just went for "bak kut teh" for dinner and then movie time.
The movie name is...something related to Zhombie...haha
Not a very nice movie thou..should watch Tron legacy ler.
13th January we'll go and watch 天天好天. Hehe ^^
Home-sweet-home after the movie.
31st December 2010
Sunny Day
I went to Secret Recipe to order Black Forest Cheese for hubbie's dad.
1st January 2011 is hubbie's dad's birthday.
He told me to overnight at his house tonight but tomorrow I have to work.
I'm afraid that I'll make him disappointed and sad.
I hope my mum will say YES for that.
No New Year countdown with hubbie tonight.
I just wanna stay beside him.
I love you.
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