Well...today's class nth much special.
As Tuesday and Wedsnesday,the class starts at 8am and ends at 4pm.
Kinda tired actually. Nowadays, my life just left relationship and studies.
Nothing much more. Perhaps friends,but not buddies.
I miss my hubbie and yet so does my buddies. Hehe ^^
The first subject (8am-11am) is Mathematical studies.
I don't have enough sleep and that leads me to a certain sleepyness condition.
Just feel like sleep and dream nicely rather than listen the bored lecture.
In addition, he also gives us some homework. (Not some as it's lots.)
After the 3 hours class ends, countinue with ESL.
(That's English language studies that must be taken by us.)
Our lecturer, Mrs. Betty wants us to present what we've did yesterday.
Lol..Really killing us. No idea with the reason why we want to repararaph the essay like that.
Besides reparagraph, we also have to handin an essay that more than 500 words to her.
We disscuss what we have to present later another 2 hours class.
Today we're having 4 hours ESL. Really tention.
Jill represent our group to present and Shu Ying is the person who has to answer the questions asked by classmates.
Actually she's an assistant of Jill la. Hehe
Jill is a bit crazy. Mrs. Betty says she's like dancing while presenting to all of us.
Will our marks get affected? NOPE! I hope. Anyway,thanks a lot to Jill.
Although she's Penang Chinese Girl's School student, but her English is just a word to describe.
That's WOW~ She can speaks very fluent than us. I hope I can be like that too.
**Below's photo is 18P. Those who below 18 can't see!!
I'm warning YOU!

I don't really know why am I taking Psychology.
I don't understand what-so-ever she's talking about although I'm listening to her lecture.
Why huh? Is it so complicated?
Our lecturer, Mrs. Lucy requires us to mail to her to say hi so that she no need key in our email address and mail the slide for us.
This kind of act is it consider as lazy? But she said that she's a computer idoit.
She admit that. Woots~ I feel Biology lecturer is better than others.
She will send any single update about her class to us through email by herself.
And I was wondering is it she's so free? Lol..A lot of thoughts come to me.
After the another ESL class from 2pm to 4pm,hostel-sweet-hostel.
sn't it sweet? Haha... XD
Clarin leaves the class earlier because she has to go and settle down all the requestment to delay her National Service thingy.
Oh well...She dumb me alone at hostel till now!
My hubbie is worrying me. He don't let me go out and have my dinner alone.
So, I just eat the cup noodles that we bought from Queensbay Korean Food Festival on Tuesday.
The taste quite best. Hehe =)
I loving it! Suddenly thinking about McD pulak. Sweat..==''
I have finished watching my Autumn's Concerto. Finally!
But the connection is so sucks. Don't know who's the one who playing online games.
Yesterday night I got nothing else to do.
So I'm using my lappie's webcam to camwhore.lalalala~
I was talking phone with my hubbie.
And then I kiss him. Mwahx~
The way he smiles and talk to me,the way he cares me.
Muackss~ Love you.
Kisses for hubbie. Hehe.
Sweet or not?
Dear,answer me through message when you saw this!
This photo was taken after back from college yesterday.
And the electricity of our unit has been cut-off.
You know why? They never pay the bill for don't know how many months already.
That's why. Making me hot! The weather of Penang Island is just like sauna.
Sucks la the weather over here. Worst than Penang Mainland.
Today's post end up with this lame photo.
[Clarin treats me eat that biscuits.]
Sorry ya! The webcam quality is not so good.
Last but not least,
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