Yuhuu~ I'm back home at 7pm today.
No full day for me because not more customer.
Yesterday I chat phone with tortoise til two something.
Lol...kinda tired today morning.
I wake up at 8am today because my parents want to take breakfast outside.
What to do?? I have to wake up early go to eat then work what.
I can't say that I don't want to go. If not no people will fetch me go to work later.
Long time never go to visit morning market already.
I just remember I used to go when I'm with Mr. Neoh that time.
Well...just ignore that, okay?
If not..later some body will misunderstand me. =="
So, I better not to elaborate more here. Haha.
Calaine is so regret now. She wants to work at my shop. Haha..
Engkai~~ Who call you don't want come to attend the interview that day.
Today afternoon I went out to nasi kandar there with Su to buy food.
Around 5 something, not more customer, so Su and I went to buy ice-cream.
Haha..work half way stil can go and buy then eat ice-cream inside the shop instead of serving customer.Lol...
When we ask Bid wanna ice-cream or not, he said no.
But after we bought it back, he went out to buy a box cost RM3.00
What the hell...he's funny la anyway.
I keep on playing PS3 today when I'm free.
Nothung much to do. So boring at shop.
Besides, Sasa also come and find me 2 times. She works at Body Glove.
I also went to her shop when I'm going to toilet. I curi-curi go find her.She's quite busy.
Her shop also a bit competative la. Luckily not mine.
They are good and friendly to me. Like Ang will call me open bill using my book for the customer. Means that I sell that device.
I know that Siew Hui works at Bata but I didn't go to find her because I forget about her always.
Just think about Calaine and Sasa. haha...paiseh~
Sorry ya, Sasa. I went back early just now.haha
Then, maybe I'll off next Tuesday. Weeee~ same with my tortoise.
We can go dating liao...hehe^^
You please don't think too much la. I won't change my heart so easily already.
I just wanna together with you. I just love you.
Im going to eat now.^^
I'm coming...my dinner!!
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