rainy + sunny day
nt yet done my chem yest...
therefore,i hv 2 complete it frm borroing da chem book frm frends... jz copy-ing...^^
dat's da way v done our homework lar...
soo yee is sick...since yest lar..
she hv sore throat, cough n oso flu...
she says ltr if i oso sick dat means she had infected me!
she noes me...
i sure will say like dis..
luckily im nt infected by her although she sicks many times d...
clarin 2day so pity her la..
suddenly kena amaran...swt...=="
bt i tink nt her wrong ler...
bt tea sure help those prefects wan mer...
no use if v stil arguing wif them...
jz accept da truth!!><
after sch havin multemedia club meeting...
has been canceled cz thr r no com room 4 us 2 use anymore...
pity us~
jz let my mum wait a while at oustside sch oso kena "bom" d ler...
wad cn i do jz let she put da blame on me!
i jz keep quiet over thr...
___bad tings___
happen on me...
my mum wana me 2 go maybank update cheque 4 her...
thn she n my sis went 2 am bank...
shit lar!
one is infront thr..n she choose the nearest 1 4 herself!
i hv 2 walk quite a long distance...
phew~~so tired u noe??!!
thn i can't find her once i hv settle da things 4 her...
damn mad!!waiting 4 her so long time!
thn whn i saw her i jz took da car keys thn sit inside da car...
i hv nth 2 do thr...
no hp = no SMS-ing
so, 1 thing dat i could do jz listen to my fm n revised my history...
quite lazy 2 revise it actaully...ngek~><"
jz read 3 pages niax...
bt beter thn din study anyting at all ler...
bck to home around 4 o'clock d...continue SMS-ing..
after take bath i stay in da room 2 practice my bm oral 2mrw..
im quite scared dat i cnt perform well actualli...
so, i pun practice infront of mirror many times...
duno wad will be 2mrw...
as long as i hv put effort on it lar..
goin tui at 6 [cnkl mum fetch me]...
tui start at 6.30 thn ends at 8.00
nw i gt nth 2 do ler..
no mood 2 study at ALL...
die d la dis time...sure go "holland"....
boh bian lar~
- end at here 4 2day's diary -
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