- my bird nest...yummy~ -
- abolone noodles...hv U eaten dis b4?? -
- me wif BaBy MiLo's t-shirt -
4 March 2009
morning = rainy
noon = sunny
night = rain a bit bit
exam is jz around the corner...
im asking myself wad did i prepare d...
erm...i din get da ans frm myself...
cz...i jz study my history dat wil be tested on dis fri...
**sigh~ ><"
besides history, thr also will be bm and bi exam to0...
hell la..nt goin 2 read the pearl and julia adi..
im lack of TIME
well...as today is wednesday...
i hv to stay back at sch for my Tourism Club meeting &
Red House meeting also...
jz 1 word to describe my feelings now...
tis feelings make me hv no mood 2 study d ler..
stil gt so many tokoh mz memorise...
after recess is wp period..v jz discuss some points for da debate...
shit lar! i really duno hw 2 debate...
after dat is moral...v jz relax over thr..
as me n my Gang nvr done Pn. Norazlin's moral hw...
thn the next period is modern maths...
2day Mr.Goh nvr enter our class...
cz he is havin meeting..
so, i hv my time 2 do my history revision...
so many tings to memorise lea...
ppl's name, event, venue, wad is happening, n many kinds of tings...
dat makes me SUFFER!!
but...i hv no choice 2 nt 2 study dis la..
coz here is MALAYSIA...
wad to do?
here i hv sumting 2 share wif my frends...
below here thr are 2 pictures...
hv u ever noe dis??
dis is sometings dat my uncle discovered on last sun at my gandma's house la..
special and interesting rite??
im sure dat U nvr saw dis b4 in ur life!!
including me too~
jz hv some guess on it!!
[ans wil be provided-- below da post...jz scroll down la~]

<<< do u ever noe wad is diz??
2day's Tourism Club
jz doin some paper work for interesting places in our country...
i choose da Sarawak & Sabah...
wad an attractive & nice places...
hope 2 go thr~^^
although i went to Sarawak b4 d ler..nt Sabah yea...
after dat continue wif Red House practice...
jz like normal...v started wif my lovely activity---high jump
kakaz....^^bt my frends hate dat so much!
im diff...i jz hate long jump...
cz i duno hw 2 jump for dat...
reach home at 6.15 pm...
damn tired lar..lolx..=="
stil hv to wash clothes...ngek~><
thn ltr on havin dinner...
sit nicely in da living room...doin nth...
no mood 2 studyZ~
i stil gt a bit miss him...
but today i dun dare 2 sms him d...
yest tui he was absent..
me n cnkl felt a bit hungry...
v went to mini market thn bought a cup of instant noodles...
jz like v were in primary sch dat time..
everytime tui wil go n buy the noodles thn nicely sit inside the class n eat...
haha^^...v were dare dat time..now??of coz nope~~
sitting under thr tree...eat n talk all the way...
v went up 2 class at 8.30 pm as our bi class start at 8 pm sharp!
geng lea~~ bt tea und us...kakaz...
sweet memory in primary sch...
amanda mami becum so "kiam pak" d...
wad she says u really cnt tahan
feel like wana gv her a slap!haha^^
so funny la hv dis kind of mami..
last bt nt least,
b4 i end my diary 2day...
hope my frends all get gd result 4 dis test la..
if U nvr study...
go "bai ang kong" la!
tell "them popi" U...
Gambatte lurhx~^^
p/s: ans 4 the pic above...
dat is a a tools dat last time ppl used to mesure the weight of things...
there are also sizes in short, medium and long toO...
a vry accurate tools..beter thn nwadays de spring balance or wad so ever...
hard 2 find d lor...as ppl who sell alat penimbang oso wana find dis 2 let ppl see...