>>>gOin 2 my pOpO hs~
actuali im scared 2hv oral la 2day...**giggle**
haiz...yest whn i saw the script i taut vry hard 2 memorised it...
bt...sadly 2 say...dat jz EZ JOB 4 me lurh...
kakaz...^^jk la anyway...
is short n simple sentences la...
go 2 scg sumore many homework la..dis la dat la..
ltr chem report la..add maths la..bla bla bla...
so many...jz like HILL...haha^^
erm...after recess...
ITS ENGLISH PERIOD!! [hey...is period...nt dat kind of RED colour PERIOD...]
walao eh...
y v so "soi" ah...1st group 2 present pur drama...of the pearl...
*sigh...dis time sure DIE!
whn v start our oral...whole class already starting 2 laugh d...
haiz...bt...keveena's group r tn like dat...
i believe dat only our group will let whole class laugh frm the BEGINNING to the ENDING...can't U rite??
all is KINO n JUANA la..duno wat did both of them had done la..
oways laugh...especially the 1st sentences they said..."GOOD MORNING~"...
dat cnkl use her vry superb, extremely "SOFT VOICES" to speak out...
OMG~!!! whole class laugh la sure...tea oso...including me n ls...even both of them oso laugh...swt la them...
ltr soo yee take up the coyotito [winnie the "shit"...as pn. phan says...is winnie the pooh lar...cum on...]....she wanted 2 c whether the baby is sleeping well or nt...bt she jz "gong gong" standing nicely thr wifout doin anytings 4 a moment...
well~ whole class laugh again...hahahahaha...im da 1 hu standing beside thr n watch oso beh tahan la...laughing all da way~~
she sumore sing TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR 4 "her" baby...coyotito...
whole class sing together at last...wad a special oral huh?!
after dat...the story cumes to the scorpion liao...
whn they saw the scorpion soo yee will tell out...bt the way she tell out must be serious rite?bt it's different...dat's in FUNNY way...wad da hell...v laugh again...
thn she quickly SUCK out the poisonous blood frm dat coyotito...funny lea...really funny...non-stop laughing...
its my turn....me as a DOCTOR...[the doctor actuali is FAT...bt..im NOT...]
im serious la...dat part nt so funny lor...
bt thn stil gt sum funny oso la..hahahahaha...
ls as a servant of doctor...[ as a servant 4 ME ler...kakaz...]
the sory ends wif....the doctor do nt wana cure the insect bites 4 coyotito...
Kino & Juana feel vry sad...n they hug together...means soo yee n cnkl hugging la..
issshhhhh...all ppl laugh again...swt...dis is a lughing movie...NOT an ORAL...
anyway...dats a funny memory 4 me ler...
i'll rmb it all da time...
haiz...bck frm tui...lazy 2 do homework la..
hangging on da net thr...blogging~
hahax...duno Y la..no mOOd...><
diaO" by my dad d...
nitezz~~[nt so faz slp actuali...jz pretending here~]
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