30 October 2011
I got my new phone - HTC Sensation XE
Of course, not my parents pay for that.
Thanks babe. I know you wouldn't let me pay all.
Muacks... ILY
11 November 2011
It's a day with 3 pairs of 11.
A special day huh...but I still have to face Genetics Mid Term exam.
Actually today I have a plan with my buddies.
But they seem to forget about this already. haiz...
We're forced to stay back until 5pm today because there is an annual meeting for ABSA.
ABSA shortly means Aimst Biotechnology Student Association.
We're going to vote for the very new committee for year 2011/12.
Actually I don't want to go but being forced. No choice.
After that meeting ends, I took bus and ferry all the way long to Penang to find babe.
He's at Penang helping for his brother for the new shop opening.
Babe and I went to Shua Shua Le for my beloved tomyam noodles. He only ordered original one.
We headed to Nibong Tebal to eat after finished work.
I'm so full and satisfied that day.
12 November 2011
Gonna celebrate mummy's birthday tonight in advanced.
So, we decided to go to Harvert In which is located at Irrawady Road, Penang.
I already booked for the place in the afternoon.
Babe fetch me there. There are seven of us including my grandma and babe with my family.
Three of us, brother, babe and I, treat my mum for that dinner.
I'm satisfied with the Marinara Chicken. Yummm..
Babe ordered Honey Oat Chicken, his favorite of all.
At first, I plan to go to Queensbay with babe because I wanna buy shoes.
At last, we went to Straits Quay because babe never went there before.
I'm craving for Fruuze too. hehe
Babe and I camwhore there too. I'll upload photos when I'm free.
Love you, bii.
13 November 2011
It's my beloved mummy's Birthday today!
Happy Birthday, mum!
I love you.
Wish you healthy, happy, joy and pretty always.
p/s: Babe, 1 day more to go for our anniversarry.
love you.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Friday Night- Straits Quay
Friday, 14 October 2011
I have a very hectic life this week because of the Biodiversity mid term exam.
It screwed my mood. I have to study till late night everyday and my panda eyes is getting worst!
Assignments, study and reports all piled up! Gonna die!!
Although this week is a very busy week but I still manage to fetch Samm out because she's going back to Kampar already.
I sacrifice my time to visit my boyf to go to Straits Quay.
After the exam is 3 something nearly 4 o'clock d and I reach home very late.
Oh well, I have to fetch Samm, Remee and Ming Hoi.
All of them from different places, so I have to go out early.
I went to Samm house with Ming Hoi and really thanks to Samm so much!!
She helped me make up and this is the first time I went out with the not-so-thick make up.
Of course, Idk make up. haha
She also borrowed me her shirt. Paiseh nia. hehe
Anyway, thanks for dolling me up. You have potential to be my stylist. XD
After we reached there, we qiuckly go and find a place to sit and eat.
Lastly, we decided to go to Delicious.
And yet, the food is not really "delicious" as we thought.
Samm ordered Carbonara and I've ordered idk what mushroom d. It's chocolate in colour.
Some more have nuts in the spaghetti...make me feel like vomiting after a few mouth.
I have a very hectic life this week because of the Biodiversity mid term exam.
It screwed my mood. I have to study till late night everyday and my panda eyes is getting worst!
Assignments, study and reports all piled up! Gonna die!!
Although this week is a very busy week but I still manage to fetch Samm out because she's going back to Kampar already.
I sacrifice my time to visit my boyf to go to Straits Quay.
After the exam is 3 something nearly 4 o'clock d and I reach home very late.
Oh well, I have to fetch Samm, Remee and Ming Hoi.
All of them from different places, so I have to go out early.
I went to Samm house with Ming Hoi and really thanks to Samm so much!!
She helped me make up and this is the first time I went out with the not-so-thick make up.
Of course, Idk make up. haha
She also borrowed me her shirt. Paiseh nia. hehe
Anyway, thanks for dolling me up. You have potential to be my stylist. XD
After we reached there, we qiuckly go and find a place to sit and eat.
Lastly, we decided to go to Delicious.
And yet, the food is not really "delicious" as we thought.
Samm ordered Carbonara and I've ordered idk what mushroom d. It's chocolate in colour.
Some more have nuts in the spaghetti...make me feel like vomiting after a few mouth.
Credit to Samm. She took this for me. Likey. :)
Ming Hoi and I
Samm : Me : Ming Hoi
We also went to Fruuze after dinner.
Remee said she wanna try the escalator. Samm help us took the photo.
And...the result is...
All of us close our eyes. haha
We went back about 10pm.
Cam whore in my car and also somewhere near car park.
Likey this photo with various expressions.
4 of us ^^
Oopsss... I kissed her!
Love my buddies
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Queenbay Mall Shopping
2 October 2011
Happily outing with Remee, Samm and Siew Hui to Queensbay Mall.
The driver of the day is Remee.
I'm the one who spent the most on that day.
Haiz... Gonna broke soon.
We went to watch Dream House.
At first we thought it was a very scary and horror ghost movie.
But...ended up nothing much scary. I just get shocked.
Remee kept using her bag to cover her face because she was scared. hahaha
In the end she exclaimed that actually the movie was not scary.
And she wasted her money for cover her face while we were watching movie.
After the movie we went to shop.
I bet Calaine and Soo Yee won't follow us hang out if both of you know we're shopping there.hehe
And then...lastly we went in to Forever21.
It's a shop from oversea which is USA.
The clothes fabric everything are imported.
Of course, the price will be higher lo...
I found a very adorable Hello Kitty shirt. And I fitted it.
Awesome Hello Kitty. I likey but didn't bought that.
I will go and grab it back this coming Friday and my babe will pay that. haha
I also tried this. Samm choose it but we exchange and try on it.
Do I look feminine in this clothes??
I started to love this fashion style because of Samm. :)
Gonna wear this for our 2nd year anniversary.
Soo Yee, you can bought this shirt and try to wear.haha
A pair of slipper for me to wear in the hostel's toilet.
Sweets from Daiso.
Potato crisps from a idk what shop is that.
And...lastly clothes from Forever21.
**Going to Kek Lok Si after you come back, Soo Yee.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Girls Outing
14 September 2011, Wednesday
Imma sososososo excited today!!
I'm not enough sleep today morning.
Having class at 8am in the morning and I wake up at 7.25am.
haha...I know I'm a lazy girl who loves to sleep much.
Genetics is the first lecture of the day. Taught by Mr. Xavier.
I really can't fully understand his English. Not only me ler.
His English + Indian slang makes us suffer.
We have to read between the lines to know and understand what he's trying to tell us.
Oh ya! Yesterday was the first day of my first Year 1 sem 1.
Nothing much about that. I dislike Mr. N.
Force us to do the performance on coming soon talent night. Sianz...
The second lecture of today is Molecular Biology. Lectured by Dr. Lee.
A female lecturer. I feel that she's so cool!! She looks nice and not so strict.
And then...at last we decided to give up the performance that is going to perform by our batch which is batch 19. Mr. N. scolded us for like 20 mins and asking us why we didn't attend the practice this and that.
C.K., our class rep. is the most pity person. He gets scolded and blame by Mr. N. for many days.
He almost cried!! OMGG! All of us feel so guilty. :(
I didn't take lunch today because gonna eat yummeh food tonight. hehe
Went for small group meeting with the newbies and lastly decided to do a simple drama.
After discussing, we went back to hostel room.
Stay for a while and we headed to Village Mall for a movie called Colombiana.
Chin Yin is the driver of the day and Chien Er followed us too.
We went to Starbucks and sit down chatting while drinking.
The movie is so interesting! Must watch!!! hehe
Out fit of the day. ^^
We feel so hungry after the movie.
As on the plan, we went to Mae Salong, a Thai food restraunt which located idk how to describe it. haha....it's very inside.
p/s: Soo Yee, next time I'll bring you here ya! A nice place for photo shooting yo!
Chin Yin suddenly forgot the ways and I called Chia Chee to ask him.
Finally we reached!!!
_ Mae Salong _
The view up stairs.
We ordered tom yam soup, fish with sambal, tofu and also vege.
Chin Yin_Me_Chien Er
(Both of them are my roommate and classmate.)
This dinner costs us only RM55.
The tom yam soup is really nice!! Slurp!!!!
I wanted to go again! My stomach get bloated after finished eating.
Fat d urgh!!!! Kill me pls...
I'm also broke d! Spend so much just in 5 hours.
Starbucks, movie and also dinner. Haiz...
Anyway, really enjoy this because it's our first outing in this sem 1, year 1.
Peace! V^^
jz winnie,
with L.O.V.e.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
6 September 2011, Tuesday
I feel so down today.
Firstly is because I have to go back to Aimst already.
Secondly, I don't wanna practice that stupid dance anymore.
Thirdly, I don't wanna leave my babe here. I'll miss him so much.
Fourth, I can't come back by this weekend. I have to wait until next week.
LASTLY, I want freedom!!!! I don't want stay at that rural area!!!
I miss yesterday so much.
Having a holiday with babe.
We stay at home the whole day.
Watching movie and eat steamboat.
Although staying at home but we still will argue at home.
I miss my buddies so much.
Soo Yee, I won't let you eat pop corn alone while watching movie ANYMORE!!
I will find you a shoulder.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Happy Dating

Sunny + Rainy
Just finished exam last Friday and Saturday I've started to work with babe.
Today is our last off day,only get to off after malay new year.
Had a great dating day with babe today.
I'm so happy. ;)
I felt down yesterday night after work because babe lost the ring that I gave him.
Yet, I felt a bit angry too. haiz... He's so careless.
Nevermind...he'll bought a pair new one during our 2nd year anniversary.
Babe reach my house about 11 something.
Suddenly mummy came back.
She wanna find sis's hp because she lost her phone that day.
After that she went back to work.
Babe and I talk and play for a while then go to bath.
Then we're off to Juru because he wants to eat the fried fish sold by malay.
On the way, I just realized that malays are fasting.
But he insists that they are doing business.
Unfortunately, it's closed. So sad.
Then we went to Chai Leng Park to buy chicken rice.
Eat and watch movie for a while.
Babe take a quick nap then we headed to Pacific to watch Wu Xia.
We went to his dad's shop and off to Sunway at 8.30pm.
I wanna search for a pair of new sandals at Nose so we go to Sunway.
Bought a pair new shoes but I'm not the one who paid. ^^
Actually, I wanna paid but... =='
Later on we went to KFC.
Because...we got nothing to eat already!
Gonna get very FAT SOON!
Thanks, babe. <3
Love you.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Buddies & Gathering
25 June 2011
I woke up early in the morning and I get to know that they're preparing to come Aimst and find me.
Soo Yee's dad drove them here and I have to drop them at Pacific.
Three of them reached here at about 12 something.
I brought them to my room and here goes....
We're crazy-ing in my room since my room mate is having holidays.
So.. Yeah!

samm.soo yee.clarin
Okay...I wouldn't talk too much crap here ya!
For more photos please visit Samm Lee and Soo Yee at Facebook. :)
After having lunch together, I went to attend communication class.
Class ended at 4pm then I fetched them back.
On the way back home, we chat along the journey.
I'm ain'y lonely on the way back home.
Thanks to three of you for the visiting. I miss you all nao.
While waiting for my babe, we camwhore in my car.
Really banyak pattern ler... haha XD
clarin.soo yee. me.samm
I'm helping Soo Yee adjust the angle.

I love this the most!! <3

Thanks yo! I know you're the "PRO"!!
Then babe drove me back.
26 June 2011
This weekend really fully booked.
Clarin and Soo Yee planned to gather at Steamboat shop which is located at Raja Uda.
Remee begged me to fetch her. No choice la..I always have to be her driver if we would have to meet at Raja Uda.
We headed to the steamboat shop after fetching Clarin and Samm - the two shorties.
Had a great time with all of them.
I also invited 3 special persons who were Amanda, Wei Li and Wei Ling.
This made the gathering more laughter and happier.
The sad case was Calaine Ng Kai Lynn put us a big aeroplane again.
She's a mummy girl...Once a time wanna her to attend also very hard already.
Disappointed!!! So much!!!
Okay..Let the photos talk. ;)

wei ling. wei li. amanda
This is our group photo before dismiss.
The 2 crazy people-Clarin vs. Soo Yee
Reached homr about 12 midnight.
Oh well...Thanks to everyone. :)
I went back late and get scolded! Darn!!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
他们原本打算去吃Nasi Kandar的…
唉~ 想想真的很恐怖。
啊!!!我不该乱想! :(
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
The Days at Aimst
1st June 2011, Wednesday
It's the first day I've stayed here.
Hmm...what to talk about Aimst University?
Indians?? or...super duper hot sunny day?
Yah...actually I saw lots of Indians walking around here and there.
And even the catering is done by Indians.
No choice...this is the nearest university from my house.
I can travel back to home every Friday and you know why I choose here. haha
Oh ya! I'm taking Bsc (Hons) Biotechnology here and it will be a 3 years courses.
A lot of people asking me what am I studying about biotech..
Actually, I also not that clear yet even now because we not yet study subjects that related to biotech.
Next semester I'll be struggling like hell d. Ugh!
I drive own car to here so that I can go back on Friday.
After the registration, parents, sis and I brought all my things to the hostel.
The room is 4 person per room. Haiz...I hate that actually.
No privacy no nothing. There's even no aircond and wifi. Damn it!
Such a rural area. ==''
Mummy, daddy and sis went back after the lunch and I have to went for the insurance thingy alone at the Medical Building Computer Lab.
Went back to hostel after I've done the registration.
I went to dinner alone that night. I'm solo whole day. How sad?
2nd June 2011, Thursday
The time table for today is quite packed.
Have to attend orientation done by faculty till afternoon.
Luckily I get to know some friends there.
On that day, only 8 of us turned up to the orientation.
Luckily I didn't go back, or else I'll missed up lots of things.
Our time table only has 4 subjects which is Malaysian Studies, Moral Studies, Intro to Communication and Sociological Perspective.
All are lame subjects anyway. Haiz...
By the way, I also apply for the exemption to study Moral and Malaysian Studies since I've done it last year in Disted.
We also have to take MUET as well. If can, I hope we no need to take that stupid subject and wasting my precious time.
Have dinner with my coursemates. That's all for today.
3rd June 2011, Friday
I packed all my things yesterday night because gonna back to home after the activities.
I woke up 7 something in the morning because today morning we're headed to Lembah Bujang, which is an archaeological site in Kedah since long long time ago. (I forget what year is it already.)
We went there by University's van and lecturers followed us too. They're driving la of course.
We saw a lot of Candi over there and the people also told us some stories that really happend at there.
We cannot pray and so something ritual things because the spirits over there will come and something will happen.
After the activity, having breakfast a while beside the waterfall.
Then, back to University by sitting lecturer's car because the van is some where else far from Lembah Bujang.
Have a date with babe that day after activities.
We went to bank to do my stuff and he's craving for Starbucks. So, we went to Sunway just for 2 cups of Starbucks...
At night, we went to watch movie.
I think I watch movie every week with him in the cinema. haha... No movie no life. Yeah...^^

Monday, June 13, 2011
Genting Trip with Beloved One
17 May & 18 May 2011
Sunny+Rainy Day
Babe come and fetch me about 12.30pm then we went to shop because he has to work.
I feel like helping nothing there instead of chit-chatting and playing with him.
#1 Camwhore with him while he is on the phone.
#2 Camwhore myself in the fitting room.
We went back to his house around 9 o'clock to bath and eat.
About 10.45pm his brother fetch us to the Jawi toll and wait for the coming of the bus.
We aboard the bus at 11.35pm and it takes us about 6 hours to reach Genting Highlands.
We reached Genting at 5.30am. Genting is not quiet at all but you can saw some buses here and there. Of course there was no people walking around very early in the morning.
After putting down the laguage at the counter, we went to hunt for food!
So damn hungry...
Finally we eat a shop named....*I forget the name of shop.*
The shop cooked teow chew food as well.
But since it's early in the morning, there's only noodles and chinese tea available.
#3 This noodles cost RM11++ per plate.
Now our stomach is full but I started to feel sleepy...
We only able to check in at 9pm.
Hell! After the breakfast is just 6am. Three more hours to go...what should we do??
While waiting the time passes....We did some shooting.
Here you go...
#4 Him (at the lobby of First World Hotel)

#5 Me (Taken by him)
#6 US
#7 Outside view of First World Hotel early in the morning.
After waited for so long, babe decided to go and check in the hotel room.
Finally, we can enter the room now..wasted 2 hours waiting there like no body business. ==zz
The first thing that when I walked into the room is to knock on the door.
You know la...when you first wanna walk in the door, you must knock.
Then, the shoes must not be arranged neatly.
Babe didn't know all these things. Maybe this is the first trip to Genting with me.
After changing clothes, I went to bed. haha...no doubt. I can't sleep nicely on the bus.
#8 Our hotel room. From the window you can see the view of outdoor theme park.
After the nap, we went to outdoor theme park at 1pm.
We didn't took our lunch because...just thinking of playing. haha

#9 The first thing we play:- the pirate ship.
#10 Taken in front of the pond.
#11 On the mary-go-round.
#12 After the mary-go-round, he felt exhasuted and starting to sweat. XD
Taken while waiting to play the Cyclone. Too many people...
#13 The view of outdoor theme park.
The weather is not very cold.
Later, babe wanted to take a ride on the so called 'mao mao chong' train.
And here we go...

#14 The backside of the train. It's cute and colourful anyway.
Oh ya! Before I forget, I also bring babe ride the super duper extreme cool roller coaster with me.
Muahaha~ it's so exotic!! Your heart maybe jumped out if you play that!
He didn't play that before because he's afraid of high.
The roller coaster will turn 360 degrees and it's so fast!
I wanna play again!!
So sad that he don't allow me to play flying coaster. Haiz...
A lot of things we played there...and then he wanted me to accompany him ride on the boat which we have to control ourself.
#15 His sweet smile. <3
The last thing we play before go back to hotel is...Sungai Rejang Boat.
We were all wet after playing that.
But it's so fun!
Babe sit in front of me and I was hugging him tightly or else I'll be falling down.

#16 While waiting....
Went back to the room and take bath.
Rest for a while and we're off to dinner.
So hungry ler...more than 12 hours we didn't eat.

#17 Us in the room. I likey this pic.

#18 Next on is....Bak Kut Teh.
You must be wondering why we came to Genting and just eat Bak Kut Teh...
Because...It it smells great. You can smell it from far.
Although it's very expensive but at least it's yummy.
It's worth actually. Hehe
After the dinner, we went to walk around.
We also sit on the boat and go around the First World Plaza.
#19 On the boat.
I was eager to watch the 4D Motion Master and then we go.
I have been watching this second time and I remembered that the first time was in Penang when there's fun fair at Pesta Sungai Nibong.
The chair is moving according to the motion of the character in the movie.
The movie is about 15 to 20 minutes. We have to wear the spec in order to watch it.
This was babe's first try. The movie was related with a pirate and thieves.
We also not forget to take some pics inside.
In Genting, I saw lots of Arabian. Local people seems lesser than the tourists.

#20 Us inside the theater.
Movie finished then babe insists to ride the mary-go-round in the indoor theme park.
We bought 2 days full theme park ticket which costs us RM93 per person.
It's worth if you bought 2 days rather than 1 day.
It's worth if you bought 2 days rather than 1 day.
At last, we got nothing to do and get attracted by Starbucks!!!
We bought the Vietnam popia and went to Starbucks.
The whole day was eat and play. I enjoy so much!

#21 The popia and Starbucks.

#22 Genting Highland indoor view.
About 11pm, we went into Casino in the First World Plaza.
The casino was so crowded and full with unpleasant smell.
I hate the cigarette smell. Yucks!!
Babe some more gambling inside!
I have to sit down and wait for him.
I felt so headache after staying inside for a long time.
We leave the casino at 12.30pm and my hair was so damn smelly.
Ugh!! I hate the smell.
Back to hotel and sweet dreams....
The 2nd day....
We woke up at 9am.
When we went to hunt for food, the plaza was so many people in the morning.
I felt it's uneasy to find yummy foods at Genting Highland.
We went to a restraunt named 'Hou Mei' but the foods taste sucks.
It's tasteless and yest costly.

#23 We ordered Koey Teow Teng and Chicken Rice.
After the breakfast, we went outdoor and play.
Riding on the antique car, pirate ship, roller coaster, cyclone and we also went to the dinasour world.
I don't have a chance to ride on the Space Shot. Haiz...He said it's too dangerous.
I've seen people riding the Flying Dragon but I can't found where it's located.
At last we found it in the indoor.
Hahaha...I was so happy because after waited for long time I can ride on it.
The first time I saw is when I was Standard Six.
It's time for us to check out and actually we're late for 1 hour to check out.
We afraid that the hotel will charge extra on us.
I insist to buy Burger King because I was very eager to taste that before I came to Genting.
We went back to hotel room and started to pack our things.
We have to go back by bus at 4.3opm and we still have much time before leaving.
We went to walk around in the plaza but didn't shop much things.
I just bought a pair of Nike socks. How sad?
He don't allow me to buy clothes.
We spend most of our time waiting at the bus station.
Bought some snacks before go to the bus.
We didn't bought any souvenier because it's just Genting.
I didn't eat my burger until we settle everything and sit on the bus.
Here's my Burger King.

#24 Have it your way...and here's my way.
Burger with chili and tomato sauce.
We reached Jawi toll at 9.30pm.
Babe's brother came and fetch us at 10.30pm then we went to eat Bak Kut Teh again.
Bak Kut Teh is always the love. hehe
I went to babe's house to stay overnight then home-sweet-home the next morning.
I hope that we can go to other places again. It's fun! ^^
Thanks babe for sponsoring me so much!
I love you, bii.
*with tonnes of love*
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